"You're right. He's probably drunk; or dead. I hope he's not dea-"

"Oh my god. How can he handle you? Are you always so over protective? He's probably living his life— having fun. So don't be the kind of girlfriend who picks out his clothes and makes him wear the scarves you've knitted."

I always wondered where she came up with all of these speeches to give me. Was I really that over protective? I just didn't want him to be with some other girl prettier than me. That's all.

"That's ridiculous. I don't even knit," I groaned, and stopped my idiotic pacing to grab my bag, "I'm going out to find him. You can come if you'd like."

"I'll pass. I have some dirty fan fiction to read," She bit her lips, and her comments like that made me want to gag. Actually.

The first place I though he'd be was the Night Club. There's alcohol, girls, and music. I wouldn't expect to find him in the library, now would I?

Just as I thought. He was sitting alone at the bar, his head slammed against the table as if he was sleeping. Worried, I ran up to him, wrapping my arms around his waste, "What the hell Cole, what are you doing here?" I questioned.

He looked up at me. His eyes partly open, with dark bags around them. His hair was teased in different directions— but I still thought it was adorable, "Help me," Was the only thing he said.

Knowing he was obviously wasted. I took it upon myself to take him back to the dorms, literally dragging his body out of the damn place. When we got back, I let him rest on my bed. Sitting next to him and placing a hot rag on his forehead.

He didn't wake up until morning. So as the night continued, I lied next to him— happy to be in his presence.


"Hey," I mumbled once his eyes opened, "How was your sleep?" I spent most of the night looking at him, and playing with his hair. Aren't I an amazing girlfriend.

He looked like he was in pain as his hands collapsed on top of his head, "Oh my fuck. I haven't felt this way in so long."

"Why did you go to the bar last night? Did you feel like drinking away your feelings or what?" I giggled, and wrapped my one arm around his stomach to give him a kiss, "I missed you."

"I was bored," He smiled, and kissed me back. But his breath smelt of a strong alcohol, "I must have gotten too drunk. Because the bartender was all over me."

"Seriously?" I glared at him.

"Don't worry. I have no feelings towards her what so ever, I don't even remember what she looked like," He yawned, and tried to stand up but it only hurt his head more.

"Do you remember her name? Or did she not tell you," I knew how nosy I was being, but I couldn't help but feel like he was hiding something from me. After all, he could have any girl he wanted.

"Katherine," He said slowly, and suddenly I remembered the girl in my drama class. Katherine Agana. She was always a bitch towards me and everyone else— kind of like Evinor. In fact, I'm sure they where friends.

I didn't respond. I rolled my eyes, and remembered all of those foul moments I had with that evil bitch. Because I really despised this one. And knowing she was all over my boyfriend, made me want to rip her throat out.

"What's wrong?" He grabbed onto my arm as I tried walking away.

"Why her? I fucking hate that girl. She's in my drama class, and she does nothing but torment me," I exclaimed, and sat on his lap just to make us feel more connected.

"It was nothing. I don't remember anything," He shook his head, "Don't worry. I'll always love you."

"So.. we should talk about something more serious; Have you talked to Dylan about LA? You can't leave me," I voiced, and he groaned into his hand.

"Can we not talk about this right now? I just woke up," he muttered. But I wasn't about to stop talking about an important subject. Being away from him, meant losing our relationship forever— I couldn't let that happen.

"No. This is serious Cole, and it's time you start taking it seriously," I stormed off, hoping he'd follow me and finally want to talk about it. And of course he did. Walking shirtless into the bathroom where I stood, looking at my reckless self in the mirror.

"Babe. I really want to go to LA! But I also really don't like want to leave without you," He pouted, probably hoping I'd give him sympathy and cut him some slack. Nope.

"If you leave for LA. I never want to see you again," I finalized, and looked away from him, "Long distance relationships never work."

He let out an exiled groan, and rolled his pretty brown eyes, "Fine. Fine, I won't go! But I think it's time you stop acting so selfish. I'll probably never get this opportunity again."

I didn't respond, I looked up at him with the same sad expression on my face. He was right. It's time I stopped caring only about myself, and care for him. This was his life, not mine.

"Do you understand where I'm coming from?" He took a step towards me, "Nova. I don't think you realize how much I want to be with you, in never going to stop feeling that way."


"What, go where?" He let out a shocked gasp, which made me giggle. So I pushed him out of the room, and towards the white wall.

"You're right. I am being a selfish bitch, and you should go to LA— without me," I smiled, and kissed his cheek.

"No.. I told you I'm not going. I've also realized how hard it would be living everyday without you," He licked his lips, "So I've made my decision."

"Don't be silly. You're going to that fun city, and I'm going to stay here and graduate college."

He only looked at me with a somewhat half smile. Most likely thinking about the future, and somehow he was okay with it, "Are you sure you're okay with this?" He hugged me.

"I will be. Eventually."

"One more week with each other then," He gave me a kiss, "Let's make it the best week of our lives."

"You forgot about the weekend."

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