[014] surprise

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quick smol cute update since thanksgiving is soon and i won't post till maybe the weekend due to family stuff! also if you celebrate thanksgiving i hope you eat a lot! rip turkeys around the nation

quick smol cute update since thanksgiving is soon and i won't post till maybe the weekend due to family stuff! also if you celebrate thanksgiving i hope you eat a lot! rip turkeys around the nation —

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r i l e y
"Why'd you do it?" I mumbled as I walked past him in the hallway as we both watched Maya walk away from him.

"I'm sure you heard." He had a fake sarcastic laugh as he ran his fingers through his blonde hair.

"Yeah and you don't just kiss without there being a reason behind it. I kissed you cause I wanted to know if the old highschool feelings were still there." I twirled my fingers behind my back. "They weren't."

"I just want things to be normal." He sighed as he watched me intently.

"Do you like Astrid?" I asked raising a single eyebrow as I looked at the expression on his face. "What about Sienna?"

"Sienna is like a sister to me." He admitted as he followed me into the bathroom and stood in the door way as I grabbed my toothbrush. "And Astrid-"

"She's the new girl." I managed to say in between brushes as I looked into the mirror. I spit the taste out of my mouth. "Something new and pretty to look at."

"I love Maya and you know that." He rolled his eyes as I brushed my teeth for a few more moments then I finished.

"I know and I don't like seeing her like this. She stayed with Josh for a couple days after your first fights." I admitted as I wiped my mouth clean and leaned against the counter looking up at him.

"She went to Josh's house?" He nearly choked as his eyes widened.

"Calm down. He does live with his wife. Anyways that's not the point. Listen. Maya loves you and you love Maya. Stop screwing everything up." I scowled as I came closer to him. "I don't enjoy seeing her upset especially when you're the cause."

"I don't wanna hurt her."

"Good the-" I was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing. I gave him a confused look and he shrugged his shoulders. I walked downstairs with him trailing behind me. Maya was nowhere in sight so I assumed she left.

I opened the front door and there stood Zay Babediux. He had on a plad shirt and blue jeans.

"Well if it isn't my two favorite people." His smile grew as he wrapped his arms around Lucas and I. "I lied Maya's not around."

"Zay!" I practically yelped as he hugged me tight.

"So who's your favorite?" Lucas and I said at the same time as we exchanged confused looks.

"Okay, honey, don't kill them." My eyes widened at the voice and I quickly squirmed out of the hug. Instead I almost trampled the raven colored hair female behind Zay.

"Isadora!" I hugged her closely and she laughed.

"Wait. Lucas and you are alone? Last time that happened.." She trailed off as she gave us both looks. "I called you yesterday Riley and you said nothing ab-"

"Oh no! We aren't together!" I quickly explained as I motioned towards Lucas and I. "Maya just left."

"Speaking of which what is going on?" Zay grabbed onto Lucas and pulled him.

"You didn't tell me you two were gonna come so what's the special occasion..?" I asked as I turned towards Isadora and she bit down on her bottom lip. 

"I wanted to tell you with Maya around, but I can't wait an-"

"What!" Lucas exclaimed loudly which caused us both to look in his direction. He frantically ran towards Isadora and wrapped his arms around her.

"You told him?" She raised her eyebrows at Zay with a displeased smile on her lips.

"I couldn't hold it in anymore, princess." He shrugged his shoulders and she gave into Lucas's hug.

"Will either of you tell me what's going on?" I laughed as I pulled Lucas off of her and the smile on his lips didn't disappear.

"Do you wanna tell her?" Zay looked at his girlfriend and she rolled her eyes laughing.

"It doesn't matter." She grabbed ahold of his hand. "But I should tell her."

I frowned in confusion as I looked up at Lucas who was grinning ear to ear.

"Surprise! Im pregnant." She admitted with a chuckle escaping her lips.

"What! How?" I exclaimed as soon as I processed what she had said.

"Well. We didn't use a co-"

"Alright, honey." She put her hand over his lips with a laugh. "We had been trying for a while since we moved out and I know it's weird since we aren't married, but I just feel ready. I love this goofy guy so much and we are ready." She pulled him closer to her.

"So you guys aren't engaged or anything?" Lucas raised his eyebrows.

"Oh we are." Zay laughed which caused Isadora to smack his arm.

"What!" I yelled.

"Well he proposed and we celebrated then.. Yeah. I want to wait till after we have the baby to do the whole wedding thing." She sighed as she smiled at me. "speaking of which. I would like you and Maya to be the baby's godmothers."

or lie to me ➳ lucaya sequel (completed)Where stories live. Discover now