02 Imprisoned (Past)

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Yui stared absently at the floor of her room. She crouched in the corner and held her ears closed, while her body was shaking. It was impossible for her to move, no matter what was happening around her. She only remembered the screams. The horrible screams, that were constantly persecuting her. Yuna had disappeared through the door, and from then on it was getting worse. The younger one waited anxiously for her sister's return, but it was in vain.

When the blonde heard the shrill cry of the older girl, she panicked. She opened the window, rushed out into the garden, and ran as fast as she could.

She ran until she was stopped and since that moment she couldn't move anymore. She endured everything. All the interviews and investigations. At first she was afraid when the black-haired man began to wash her, but now she liked it. She didn't want to go back. Here, she was safe. If only the screams would finally stop.

She was stroked over her head. She blinked and looked for a face in her field of vision. A man with half-long, brown, stunted hair was standing beside her. Her 'uncle' visited her. The last time they had seen each other was on the evening the dragons had attacked.

"Hey, little brain." He smiled gently.

"Yoshiro. What's going on here?"

"Everything is fine. You're safe."

"As if ..."

"Yuna is still alive. She's also not responsive like you, but you both still live." Her 'uncle' collected his thoughts. "I don't know what to say to you. I'm so sorry. I will do everything in my power to help you."

"Then help me. Make the screams disappear."

"I have to go now, but I'll come back, Yui."

"No! Wait! Don't leave me alone!"

Yoshiro was gone again.


"Hey Yui. How are you?"


"I have good news. Yuna woke up. She is fine, considering the circumstances."

"Thank God. I'm so glad."

His gaze slid over her body before he looked back into her face. "It would be nice if you would return to us too, Yui."

"I can't. I'm too scared. The screams. The dragons."

Yoshiro put his hand on Yui's head and gently stroked her blond hair. "The doctors say you can hear us. Whatever you are going through, we can get trough this together."

"You don't know what I know. You didn't hear them. What about mother and father? Where are Mai and Ayu? Where are they?"

Her 'uncle' sighed. "I'll take care of Yuna. She needs me now. The doctors tell me when you wake up. Dream something beautiful, Yui. Come back soon."

"I can't. Why don't you understand?"


"Sister ... Sister ... Yuna! ... Can't you hear me?" Yui could see the blue hair of her sister. She wanted to look into her eyes, but her body didn't obey her. "Help me."

The blue-haired talked to the man, Takashi, who pushed Yui's wheelchair. Why couldn't the blond girl make herself noticeable? She blinked slowly as she heard the screams ring in her head. The screams of her family, who were constantly persecuting her. She shuddered, but her body seemed to be without life.

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