70 A Conflict Rarely Comes Alone (Present)

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Yuna had collected her knife, had put her eye patch back on, and then returned to her bag. On the way she could kill another beast, but apart from that, her path was uneventful. She wanted to go home and take a bath to relax a little. Quickly she climbed on a tree and jumped from there over the fence of the old amusement park. She tapped the dirt off her clothes, then went home.

The huntress sauntered through the side alley under her room window, when she heard an argument. "I said it was a mistake!"

"Come on, Ayumi-chan. You can't be serious!" Kenji replied.

"Damn it, aren't you listening to me?!" Yuna stopped at the corner and listened.

"On Thursday evening you were grateful. What happened?"

"I was drunk, okay?!"

The oni laughed. "We were both wasted, but what's the point? Now let's go out and have some fun."

Annoyed snorted the redhead. "I'll tell you for the last time: leave me alone!"

"Babe... come on. Don't be like this. I'll invite you."

"I don't want to go out with you. Why don't you get that into your fiery skull?!"

Now it was the fire devil who snorted. "Is it because of this damned policeman?"

"That's none of your business!"

"Who was there for you, when he left you hanging, huh?"

"I left him. And he apologized."

"Do you admit, that you love that idiot?"

When Ayumi didn't say anything for several seconds, Yuna decided to intervene. She turned around the corner and said cheerfully, "Hey, guys."

Kenji, who stood with his back to her, turned around and looked at her, startled. "Hey, Yuna-chan." The hostess just gave her a helpless look.

"You can be heard all the way across the street," the blue-haired girl said, as she headed for the front door.

"Talk to her. She's not herself." The oni stared at the young woman.

"There is nothing to talk about, Kenji-kun! Tell him to go!" Ayumi hissed.

The high-school student looked back and forth between the two. "You are like little children. Anyway, you can't be here, Kenji-kun, and you know that."

"I'm just picking up Ayumi, then I'm off," he claimed.

"I don't want to be picked up by you! Leave me alone!" The redhead looked urgently at her roommate. "Please, send him away! Help me!"

Sighing, the girl turned to the fire devil. "I'm sorry, Kenji-kun, but she doesn't want to. Leave her alone and go home, or wherever you want to go. But make yourself rare."

The jaw of the oni tensed and he took a step forward. "What did you say?!"

Amused, Yuna raised her left brow, grinned crooked and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Get the fuck out of here. Was that clear enough?"

"I guess I must be mishearing," Kenji growled and took another step forward. Flames flashed in his eyes.

"Yuna-chan...", Ayumi breathed. "Don't make him angry."

"I'm not afraid of him." The girl moved in on him, stopped right in front of him and stared into the red-glowing eyes of the oni. "Get lost, fur coat."

"I think I have to teach you a lesson," growled the fire devil.

The blue-haired girl shrugged calmly. "I'm in a very bad mood, so if you don't want me to take it out on you, get out of the way... Fido."

Onihunter Yuna 2Where stories live. Discover now