117 Wasn't There Something... (Present)

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Bushes clapped Yuna in the face as she rushed after Yukiko. The oni could run very damn fast, but she would catch her, and then it would be over for good. She had to kill her or she would never have some peace. And then she had to fix things with Hikari. If she explained it to her in every aspects, she should, no, she must have to understand.

Suddenly Yukiko stopped and whirled around. She struck with her ice claw and aimed at the huntress. Yuna just dropped and slipped under the blow. She came back up as fast as possible, but Yukiko already kicked her in the back. She stumbled a few steps before she regained her balance.

"Sachiko will understand this if I kill you in self-defense, Masuda," the ice oni hissed.

"What?" Yuna dodged another blow.

"Shut up and fight!" Another blow followed, which the huntress blocked with her forearms. She kicked her opponent in the stomach, whereupon she slid to a distance. "Oh man. I can't wait to kill you."

"You can't hurt me. You don't stand a chance."

"And you have no weapons." Yukiko fired a beam of ice, which the huntress escaped with a jump to the side. "Just hold still, then I'll make it quick and painful."

Yuna sought cover behind a wide tree. Her gaze wandered over the ground and the trees around her. In her frenzy she pursued Yukiko without thinking and now she didn't know where she was. There were trees everywhere and occasionally she could see light.

A forest. A forest near the school.

As she pondered, she heard wood splintering. She was caught at the arm and whirled a few feet through the air before she hit the ground on her stomach. Yuna raised her eyes, whereupon she recognized her adversary, who charged at her with raised claws. She pushed away and rolled across the earth, getting up again.

Yukiko's claws missed, but she reached out once more.

Yuna threw herself at her and rammed the elbow into her face with full force. She stumbled on and rolled off again. The ice oni was just shaking off her drowsiness, so Yuna relented and kicked her in the back.

Her opponent crashed into a tree. The claws fell to the ground and she created an ice lance in her hand. "I have to admit, that you can fight." She whirled her weapon in her hands.

"Likewise. You know what you're doing."

Yukiko winked and said, "I've got a couple of decades of experience." She lunged at Yuna, who gritted her teeth, blocked the attack and slammed her fist in Yukiko's face. An ice spike broke out of Yukiko's chest and shoved the huntress back one arm before she could tear herself away. The opponents went again at each other. Yuna took several blows that didn't bother her, but made clear that she couldn't achieve anything in that way. She turned away and sprinted off.

"Coward!" Yukiko bellowed behind her and threw her lance, which ricocheted off the huntress and shattered on the ground. With both hands the ice oni collected energy and fired a beam of ice that covered everything nearby with ice. Yuna glanced briefly over her shoulder, then she hit a hook and accelerated again. More ice blasts missed her and froze everything they hit. She was hit on the leg and stumbled. Several times she overturned.

"You are really annoying," cursed the ice oni and quickly closed in. Yuna dug her fingers into the dry earth of the ground and threw a load of dirt into her enemy's face. "Bitch!"

The huntress jumped up, got a run and pushed off the ground. With full force she rammed her knee in the face of Yukiko. Blood spurted through the air and they both went down. Breathing heavily Yuna paid attention to every little movement of her opponent.

Onihunter Yuna 2Where stories live. Discover now