07 Unforgiving (Present)

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Kenji was patrolling through the streets on his motorbike. The Oni with the firepower was completely enveloped by fur, which was not visible however, thanks to his leather suit and the natural, every Oni adhering cloaking spell.

It had been uncomfortably quiet in the past few months since Tirr was defeated. He had imagined the job as a sheriff to be more exciting. Shinji said he should be glad that it was this quiet. The furry Oni had to admit, that he didn't have the slightest glimmer of how Yoshiro had handled this sheriff thing. He had once tried to talk with Yuna about it, but the girl wanted nothing to do with it and to be left alone.

Now, however, he happened to be near the pension. He had to turn left at the next traffic light and follow the road. He could pay a visit to Ayumi. They hadn't seen each other since Yoshiro's burial. Which he regretted a little bit. The fiery redhead had a lot of temper, and they had spent a couple of exciting hours together. A quick visit to refresh their acquaintance couldn't hurt.

A few dozens of meters from the pension, he discovered the typical pigtails of the older Masuda girl. She walked along the sidewalk alone. Where was she going?

Kenji raced forward and made a full braking. The squeaking of the tires frightened the high-school girl and irritated she stared at the motorcyclist. He noticed immediately that she had taken a stance to defend herself. She could claim whatever she wanted, but she was still a fighter.

Grinning, he flipped the mirrored visor of his helmet. "Hey, Yuna-chan."

The girl let out a deep sigh and rolled her eye. "Hey."

"Everything okay with you?"

The blue-haired turned away and went on. "Leave me alone."

Indignant, he followed her with his gaze. Yuna had never been known for her courtesy, but usually she didn't react this dismissively. He turned with a U-turn and rolled beside her. "What's up?"

The girl ignored him and looked straight ahead. "Go away, Kenji-kun."

"Come on. I was just in the area. Actually, I wanted to see Ayumi."

"You can't go there," she growled.

"Why not? Does she have a visitor?" The Oni continued to roll on next to the high-school girl. "Maybe a man?"

"No. My sister moved in today. The pension is taboo for Oni."

"Come on. We're friends."

The girl stopped and turned to him. "No! My agreement with Haruka is clear! No Oni!" She stared at him furiously and clenched her fists.

"Okay. Relax." He stopped. "What's happening? Why are you out when your sister is here?"

"It's none of your business."

"Good." He shrugged. "I wanted to go hunting. Do you want to accompany me?"

"No. I'm finished with that. I've made that clear enough." With a repulsive gesture she underlined her statement. "I don't do this anymore. I want a normal life."

"All right. Your choice. Can you give me some tips?" asked the fur carrier.

"Tips?" She looked at him questioningly. What did he want from her?

"For the hunt. How did Yoshiro do that?"

"He searched for them."

"Yes, but how? I have no idea how he had done that." The red-glowing eyes of the Oni actually looked pleading. The girl studied him intently as she pondered.

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