48 Schoolyard Gossip (Present)

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Yuna had skipped her morning bath to avoid her sister. She had quickly slipped into her school uniform, had done her hair and then left the pension hastily. Even Wataru was avoided by her because she couldn't tell him that her oni could control her. Absent, she made her way to school.

When she reached the schoolyard, only few students were present. She went to the same place where she had been waiting for Hikari and sat down.

My life is a nightmare.

She scanned the yard until she noticed Rin Masatada chatting with two other girls from Kendo training.

Right. I wanted to go back to Kendo training.

As she pondered the feasibility of this endeavor, the eyeglass wearer came over to her. "Morning, Yuna-chan."

The blue-haired wrestled for a smile. "Morning, Rin-chan."

"Unusual to see you here so early."

They went to middle-school together, where Rin had been the captain of their team last year. She had something stoic and insurmountable about her, which gave her a huge advantage in Kendo. Rin put away her opponent's blows without batting an eye and won practically every fight, as she simply didn't make mistakes and never gave points to her opponents. She was immediately asked to join the Kendo team at this school, which was highly unusual for first-year students. Yuna, on the other hand, barely qualified for the team because she was not a strong-willed fighter. And at High School West, she couldn't qualify for the Kendo team. But now with her power she might be able to change that.

"Yes. I had stress and just wanted to get away," the taller girl admitted.

"With the boyfriend?" Rin smiled knowingly.

Immediately, the blue-haired girl replied, "I have no boyfriend."

"I see." The eyeglass wearer pulled out her cell phone and tapped on it. "Will you come back to Kendo training?"

"I'm thinking about it. I just don't know if I have enough time."

"No pressure, okay?" Rin gave her a warm smile. "When you're ready, I'm looking forward to train with you. I like your quiet style. You are hard to read."

"Thanks." The Masuda girl had to smile.

"I've noticed how distracted and absentminded you've been lately. Especially before the school holidays. I figured it might help if you had something that kept you busy. Also because of ... you know."

Understanding, Yuna nodded. "Monday, Wednesday and Friday?"


The taller one frowned. "Why do you expect me to have a boyfriend?"

"Gorou-kun had mentioned something once. And yesterday Wataru Shimada was here and met a girl from this school." Rin raised an eyebrow. "And I don't mean Sasaki-senpai."

A deep sigh came from her interlocutor. "Nisha told you?"

"I asked her, and she didn't deny it," the Kendo fighter corrected.

With her red eye, the blue-haired girl looked at the other girl. "Can you keep a secret for yourself?"

"Sure. Even if it's quite the news." Rin looked across the yard. "You go out with Wataru Shimada! A real rock star!"

Embarrassed grinning, Yuna waved off. "That's not so wild. He's a normal boy."

"Now ..."

"Now?" the taller one asked.

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