87 A New World (Side Story)

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"That has to do," Yukiko sighed as she watched Tirr in his improvised appearance. In addition to the wide, white tracksuit trousers, she had given him a gray half-coat, which was more like a jacket on his upper body. She really couldn't do anything for his feet. He looked down at himself and shrugged. "We can go shopping later, to get you matching clothes."

"What's this thing about clothes anyway?" wondered the oni.

"You are no longer a beast, Tirr. You have to adapt to the humans."

He tilted his head. "Why should I? We are superior to them. They should adapt to us, not the other way around."

Threatening, Yukiko raised her right index finger. "You don't need to start like that. In our community, we strive to live together with mankind. I explained that to you."

"Yes, Mama," Tirr imitated the daughter of his hostess.

Sullen, the blue-haired woman pressed her lips shut. "Don't get cocky or I'll put you over my knee."

His teeth flashed and he leaned down to her. "Like you would."

The oni gave him a slap, whereupon he gazed in surprise. "You obey me or I kill you. Am I understood?"

"Okay." Tirr rubbed his cheek as he straightened up.

Yukiko headed for her apartment door. "Come on now. I want to introduce you to Sachiko."

"Yes, Mama."

She stopped abruptly. The oni also stopped and looked at her back. She turned around and stared at him irritably. "You don't get to call me Mama. Only Marika calls me that. I'm Yukiko-san for you." Tirr cocked his head and stared at her. "Do you understand that, Tirr?!"

"Yes," he replied curtly. "You have no sense of humor."

"I do. But I will not tolerate your immature behavior. Come on now, so we can go. And please don't break anything, okay?"

Wordlessly, Tirr came up to her. She put on her shoes, opened the door and motioned for him to leave the apartment. Together they went down the stairs and left the house. It was mid-June and very warm, as long as one was in the sun. Yukiko led her guest to the bus stop, where she got a ticket for him. Curious, the youngling looked at all the new things. Two other passengers looked at the big man in his strange outfit. The blue-haired woman starred down on the street and ignored the people.

As the vehicle stopped in front of them, they got in and sat down at the first empty seats. Tirr braced himself against a seat that groaned heavily under the pressure of his hand.

"Tirr," hissed the oni.

"Sorry." He sat next to her, but his kneecaps pressed against the seat in front of his and the plastic got a crack. "I'm sorry."

"Don't move," she snapped. Annoyed she stroked through her white strand and looked out of the window.

Farther ahead, a boy peered over his seat back, watching with interest the tall man with the tangled hair. Tirr raised his hand in greeting, but the boy ducked away immediately. He looked around the bus. Above the windows was everything hung with colorful pictures and lettering.

"Why can I... read?" wondered the oni.

"I'm not sure. I believe that our prisoners provide us with their skills and knowledge." She looked over at him. "That's why you can speak Japanese. Or know the words and their meaning."

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