125 The Agreement (Present)

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Sighing, Kyo, who was sitting on the edge of his bed, put his smartphone on the bedside table. The hand of a woman lay on his shoulder. "It's okay, Kyo-kun," Ayumi whispered.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to. That's your job."

He reached for her hand and squeezed it briefly. "You are really fantastic."

The redhead chuckled softly. Slightly clothed, she got up on her knees, slipped to him from behind and wrapped her arms around his neck, placing her chin on his shoulder. "I choose you, Kyo. With all the consequences." She gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Go now. Your city needs you."

The police chief turned his head to her, then they kissed briefly. "I'll return as fast as I can."

Ayumi tugged lightly on her lower lip with her teeth. "Do your job thoroughly. I have waited so long, a few hours more will not hurt."

"I'm such a lucky guy," he confessed.

"Both of us, Kyo."

For a few seconds, he sank in her green eyes, then she broke away from him and lay down again on the mattress. She smiled smugly at him and gave him a seductive look as he slipped into his uniform.

For a moment, he wondered if he should tell her about the phone call, since Yuna Masuda was her friend and roommate, but then he decided against it. He didn't know exactly what had happened, and he didn't want to upset his... girlfriend.

Since Narusegawa-sama had called, it was certainly an oni issue and there was the rule that as few as possible are to be involved. Within his team, he had only two employees who knew what was really going on in this city.

He first had to get an idea of ​​the situation on the spot, and then decide how to cover it up. For that, he was here. Therefore, Narusegawa-san had occupied this post with his person. That's why she had left him alive, back then.


A painful scream echoed through the air. A young police officer knelt on the ground and pressed his back against a container. He gasped for breath and narrowed his eyes as the sweat of fear slid from his forehead. His trembling hands squeezed the grip of his service pistol tightly. He was trained in handling it, like all the riot police officers he was part of, but he has never had to pull it. It just didn't happen in his country. You could talk about everything and find a consensus.

But tonight, they were not dealing with humans but with beasts. It all started when a policeman from the next Kōban reported that he had heard strange noises and wanted to check on them. He didn't call back, whereupon one of his colleagues requested the riot police to provide support.

They had left the base under applause. They had in mind that they had to find a colleague who probably had an accident and maybe had lost his consciousness. Their squad of a dozen men had equipped themselves and then walked chatting into their van before they left for the scene.

There have always been rumors about strange occurrences in the city. About people who disappeared, and admittedly, statistically, it was four percent more than the national average, but no one had seriously cared.

So they split up to find the missing policeman when three of their own people soon disappeared. They gathered and formed into a group of four and one of five, so that no one else would be lost. He was in the squad of four. They searched the area, but then they were suddenly attacked by fearsome creatures. It all turned into a huge mess and before he knew it, he fled into this alley and hid behind the container. Kyo Watanabe was no coward, but he was able to assess when he was no match for the situation.

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