96 The Seed of Future Evil (Side Story)

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"All right, men. We have discovered a potential oni. The target is male. According to our scouts, he's a telekinetic. On the observation photos we can recognize floating objects in his environment," said the group leader to his soldiers. They were five in a dark, armored van.

The youngest soldier joked, "Hopefully he will not ruffle our hair." The other men laughed cheerfully.

"Shut up, Tamura-kun."

"Come on, Lieutenant. Most telekinetics can just bend spoons, or float cutlery. What could happen?" another soldier interjected.

"I realize that our target is probably not very dangerous. Nevertheless, we should be careful. You all know that two of our teams have disappeared. Something is going on."

The men fell silent. So far, the oni hunt was quite harmless. It almost seemed like the oni were holding back with their resistance. Even very powerful beings, who were so powerful that they could lift cars or cremate whole streets with their pyromantic abilities, preferred to flee, or even die, without a fight.

The car was shaken as something hit the back.

"What was that?!" one of the men called and raised his rifle.

"Stay calm guys. Maybe someone has hit us. Tamura-kun, look it up." Tamura nodded, tightening his grip on the rifle and opened the back door. In front of it stood a tall, black-haired man with a streetlight shining over his shoulders.

"Excuse me, I walked into your car," the man confessed before his eyes fell on the rifle. "I'm very sorry!" He bowed deeply.

Tamura looked over his shoulder at his leader. "Um..."

"Go away immediately! This is a police matter!" the lieutenant shouted.

"Of course." The man bowed again and stepped aside.

"Shall we abort, Lieutenant?" asked one of the men.

"No. We'll commence at once." The soldiers nodded and got out of the vehicle. Immediately they noticed the man, who was still standing next to the car. Two of the soldiers raised their rifles and aimed at him.

"I said, you should go away! Otherwise we'll arrest you."

"Do you have a badge?" the tall man asked with a grin.

In one fell swoop it became clear to the lieutenant. "ONI!" Terrified, the remaining men tore up their weapons.

"Oops..." Tirr reached to the side and thundered his fist against a man's head. He was torn off his feet, flew across the street and hit the wall opposite, leaving a bloody mark with his face.

"FIRE!" Before the rifles could spit out their bullets, Tirr spun around and rammed a fist into Tamura's stomach. The young soldier's eyes spilled out of his head as he felt his guts being crushed between the demonic fist and his spine. He spat a rush of blood as he was ripped off his feet and collided with one of his comrades.

Muzzle flash lit the street sporadically, but the oni dodged the bullets as fast as lightning. The lieutenant could barely see how his last combat-able man's head was torn from his shoulders with a blow, whereupon a blood fountain spurted out of his neck before the body tipped to one side.

He tried to aim at the target when the weapon in his hands was smashed. He could let go of the rifle just in time to bring his fingers to safety. Stumbling over his feet, he fell to the ground. The oni towered in front of him.

Onihunter Yuna 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora