69 A Little Hunt (Present)

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What the hell was that? Yukiko had to be completely insane. Yuna recapped, how the oni had attacked her. If not for her power, she would've probably been killed in that damned cold room. Her opponent had mentioned, that she wanted to kill Tirr. She should be glad, that someone had taken care of him. All other oni were grateful to the high-school student.

Nervously, the girl stroked through her hair, then reached into her shoulder bag and pulled out her cell phone. She had a message from Hikari. Sighing, she checked it.

I'm really sorry. I'm the biggest idiot in this world and can be glad that I have you. I love you above all! <3

A gentle smile appeared on her lips. Hikari was sometimes difficult, but she had been her best friend for almost a decade. Ever since they knew each other, Hikari had kept an eye on her, protected and inspired her. But after her illness broke out, their relationship started to change. Suddenly, Hikari was no longer the strong girl, who picked a fight with anyone who dared to go after her friend or anyone else.

In the beginning, Yuna couldn't understand what happened to her friend. Sometimes she was deaf and barely responsive. She turned into a bum and showed no zest for life anymore. Also, she was teased more and more by other students, just because she was not as combative as she used to be. She had lost the respect, she had earned over the years.

More and more, Yuna became the protector of her friend. For a long time, she hadn't noticed that they had swapped roles over the years. Recently, when she became friends with Nisha, the blue-haired learned that there were other kinds of friendships.

And in that, she explained the dwindling desire to continue to be there for Hikari. It often seemed to her that they were friends, because they were used to it. It was more of an obligation to her, because she thought she owed Hikari.

She would have liked to share with her friend, that she was having her first relationship. That she was in love for the first time and how beautiful it was, but she couldn't tell her, because Hikari would probably freak out.

It's okay. You got me cold. I'm not angry at you.

You're the best! We absolutely have to do an Hetalia marathon again! ^ ___ ^

For sure.

How is the cafe? ^^

It was unusually busy. We were even asked to help out.

Seriously? Do you know the chef?

He and Nisha are friends. Well... know each other.

Ah. Did you get a break?

Yeah. But I must continue now. Have a nice weekend.

You too! ^ _ ^

The blue-haired girl put the device back into her shoulder bag and bumped with the back of her hand into the cold plastic of the knife sheath. She stopped and stared into her bag for a moment. She had time. Nobody expected her. Her friends were busy. Wataru was with his family. Yui and Midori also were somewhere. She felt the unpleasant tingling in her stomach.


Yuna walked in the direction of the abandoned amusement park. When she came near the entrance, she stopped, wondering. The gate was missing and the entrance was secured with barrier tape. A policeman leaned against the fence outside and played with his cell phone. She went on and stopped in front of the gate to look inside.

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