98 The Assassination (Side Story)

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Tirr stretched out on his mattress. Yawning, he sat up and ran his fingers through his hair. His eyes glanced over his little kingdom. He had stolen a few Dr. Slump manga, which he now read when he wasn't about to eradicate the hunters. Well, he couldn't find any more hunters, so he had more time to read. He and Marika had started to alternate reading. Marika read Arale and Tirr the other characters. It was so nice to spend time with her. The prospect that it would last forever made his heart beat faster.

And if Kuro-sama was right, then he could rejoin the community of the oni, as soon as they realized they were doing much better thanks to him. He had fought back the hunters. He had chased them through the night and drowned them in their own blood.

"Hey, Marika-chan. Are you awake?" he asked into the room. When she didn't answer, he rose from his bed and went for his supplies. During his trips he had brought food here and there. Who could stop him? From a plastic bag, he picked out a Bento box. He threw the lid on a garbage dump in a corner, then fished out the chopsticks and tried to pick up a squid. Cracking, the chopsticks gave way as he pushed too hard. "Fuck it," mumbled the oni, also tossing the chopsticks on the trash and stuffing the food into his mouth by hand.

After that he went for a walk in the woods. In a hollow branch, he discovered a rabbit, which he immediately chased through the bushes. The little creature had little to oppose Tirr's superhuman speed and soon fidgeted helplessly in the strong hand of the oni. "How will you taste?"

Without further ado, he tore the animal into two pieces and began to eat it. "Hey, Marika-chan. Do you know how to cook?" Again she owed him an answer. He shrugged and continued eating.

"Come on, Marika-chan. Finally say something. I'm worried about you." He was back in his den and flicked through one of the manga. "Did I make you angry somehow? Did I do something wrong?"

The oni closed the book and put it aside. It was very lonely out here in the woods. So far, he didn't notice, since Marika was always there for him, but now... What was wrong with her? Did she leave him? Could she do that? She was his prisoner. Her soul belonged to him.

When a realization hit him, he drew in a sharp breath. He had also collected the souls of the hunters. Did they do something to her? How could he protect his beloved Marika from the hunters?

Nervously, he licked his teeth. "Marika-chan... you have to talk to me. Did they do something to you?" Restless, he began to walk in the cave. "Marika-chan!" He clenched his fists helplessly. What could he do? Maybe Kuro-sama knew more. Maybe he could help him. He remembered their last meeting.

Tirr was sitting on his mattress with a small box in his left hand. Marika snuggled up against him. "Come on," she invited him.

"Okay." He picked up a small dough ball and put it in his mouth. First, he noticed the strange consistency of the milled fish that was scattered over the Takoyaki. His teeth pierced the omelet and he could taste the octopus. "It's okay."

"Okay?! Takoyaki tastes great! My favorite food." The girl grinned at him from the side.

"Maybe, I should have eaten it right away."

"I said that." The brown-haired girl looked up. "We got a visitor."

The tall oni looked at the cave entrance where Shi came in. "Hello, Kuro-sama."

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