106 The New Girl Comes Around (Present)

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During the break, the oni turned back to her comrades. "Oh man. Is this guy always talking so much?"

Yuna kept her eyes on her tabletop, her mouth shut tight. Hikari leaned forward slightly. "Hirose-sensei loves his monologues."

"Seems so. At least we don't have to talk much then."

"Exactly." The laughter of the black-haired girl sounded a bit like the giggling of a hyena. "Where are you from, Aizawa-san?"

"Actually, I was born here, but lived in Hokkaidō for the last few years."

Two other girls joined. "Hello, Aizawa-san. Nice to meet you."

The oni squinted over and spoke softly, but clearly, "I'm talking to her right now, aren't I?"

A wry grin appeared on Hikari's face as she felt a little warm around her heart. Usually she was shunned. If not for Yuna and Nisha, she probably wouldn't have any real friends anymore.

"Excuse me, Aizawa-san. We will come back later. It's nice that you're here. You have a great hair color." The girls went back to their seats.

Yuna studied the oni. Yukiko's hair was lighter than her own. She used to be special because of her hair color. Her best friend rested on her elbows and leaned towards Yukiko. "Really. The strand looks really good."

"Thanks, Wada-san, right?" The oni ran her left hand through the white strand.

"Yes, but you can call me Hikari."

"Cool. Thank you, Hikari-san." She turned her attention to the other blue-haired girl. "And you are Yuna Masuda?"

The huntress rolled her eyes up and sighed annoyed, not hiding her displeasure. "Yes."

"Nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is all yours, Yukiko."

Hikari squinted at her best friend. Yuna wasn't really known for her courtesy, but usually she was not so cold-blooded.

Is she jealous?

A subtle smile played on the lips of the black-haired girl. Yuna was actually jealous because she became friends with someone. She probably hadn't considered those feelings when she became friends with Nisha. Well... she deserved to have this experience.

"Can I call you Yuki, Aizawa-san?" she asked the new classmate.

"For sure. I didn't think that I would make new friends so fast."

Yuna checked her cell phone for a moment. Wataru had written to her again. She ignored the message and checked the time. The break would be over soon but she urgently needed to talk to Hikari. She squinted over to the class representative who had been watching all the time. Her expression told that she was worried. Yuna quickly picked her best friend by the sleeve as she stood up. "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"The break is about..."

"I know. It's quick and urgent, okay?" The tall girl's shoulders hung down as she tried desperately not to look at the oni, but the red-glowing eyes couldn't be ignored by her.

"All right. Sorry, Yuki-chan."

"No problem." The oni followed them with her gaze until they disappeared from the room, then she looked over at Nisha, who looked at her suspiciously. The corners of her mouth twitched upwards.

Onihunter Yuna 2Where stories live. Discover now