38 The Testament: Catastrophe (Present)

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"Why did you fall in my back, Chigusa-san?" Haruka asked as soon as he closed his office door behind them.

"Did I?" He raised an eyebrow as he walked past her to his desk.

"The foundation is not necessary? Do you really want to leave the entire fortune in the care of these people?" the oni snorted.

"They are Yoshiro's legal heirs. It's their decision. You said that yourself, Narusegawa-san."

"I know what I've said." She crossed her arms. "Nevertheless."

"Listen." He extended his arms implicitly before settling at his desk. "I only fulfill the will of my client. If there is an opportunity to get another mandate then that's welcomed by me."

"I hope you don't forget what's at stake, Chigusa-san."

The financial adviser folded his hands on the tabletop. "Come on, Narusegawa-san. You have to blame yourself for allowing such a practice to become natural. Budget increase through donations? That borders on corruption."

The oni's eyes narrowed to slits. "Excuse me? As far as I know, the donors benefit not in the least except from a good reputation. This has nothing to do with corruption."

Placating, Kazuki raised his hands. "Honestly, I don't much care what you do in your city. That's not my problem. I'll take care of Yoshiro's last wishes and then I'll mind my own business."

"Good. Just don't get in my way." She stomped out of the room and shut the door behind her.


Silently, the community of heirs sat in the backseat of a taxi. Midori had tried to talk to Yui in the elevator, but the girl completely closed down to her. Even as they waited for their means of transport, the middle-school girl stoically stared ahead. Her sister pulled out her cell phone and wrote some messages. The guardian told herself that she just needed time.

Yui was sitting on the far right, Yuna in the middle and the nurse on the left side of the backseat. Only subtle sounds from the taxi driver's radio and the clatter of the blue-haired's fingernails could be heard. Suddenly the blonde awoke from her brooding state and looked at her sister.

"Sister." The older one finished her message and looked over. "Who did Narusegawa-san mean?" The black-haired pricked up her ears.

"What do you mean?" wondered the high-school student.

"She wanted to tell about someone from Yoshiro's life, but you stopped her."

Nervously, Yuna chuckled. "What? She was wrong. She admitted that herself."

"Hm." Yui stared at her sister, who held her gaze. "And where did you go last night?"

The blue-haired girl shook her head without understanding. "I went to bed before you. Did you forget that?" Without further words, the younger girl turned her head away and looked out of the window. "Yui?"

"No. It's fine," she replied snippily.

Worried, the nurse frowned. What happened between the two? "Hey, are you hungry? We could go eat something."

"Oh yes, we throw money around us that doesn't belong to us." The middle-school student's voice dripped from sarcasm.

"Hey, come on." The taller girl looked at her in surprise. "What's wrong with you?"

"Didn't I make myself clear before? All this shit makes me sick." The pulse of the youngest began to race. "The money is not ours. It belongs to the people of this city."

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