17 Rude Visit (Present)

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Shinji Shiba sat at his desk and checked a quotation for a funeral. He reached for a glass of water on the table, drank a sip, and set it back down before he focused again on the document.

At the edge of his mind, the thoughts of his employees whispered. Having spent some years with them and getting used to them, they were easier for him to ignore.

"A client? - What does she want? Stand still!"

The red-scaled Oni looked up. He felt the desire to kill. He saw himself in his Oni form. What the hell did she do here?


His office door was rudely pushed open, and a blue-haired woman entered. Behind her, Shinji's receptionist scuttled in and spoke to the visitor.

"You can't go in here!" Her eyes fell on her boss in his office chair. "Forgive me, Shiba-sama. I couldn't stop her."

"Send your hen away, Shinji," the guest growled.

Shinji looked into her red glowing eyes. Indeed. Yukiko was in his office. He thought about the call from Kenji last night.

The undertaker was also in his office, watching television and enjoying a glass of sake. Suddenly his mobile phone began to vibrate in his jacket pocket. He reached inside, pulled the device out, and looked at the call detection. He leaned back in his office chair and took the call.


"Hey, Shi-chan." Kenji breathed heavily.

"Everything okay?"

"No. I had a fight."

"You really do your job for once, sheriff." He giggled.

His conversation partner snorted furiously. "Fuck you. She almost killed me."

Shinji leaned forward on the table. "Who?"

"She called herself Yukiko."

The undertaker paused for a moment. "An oni?"


"What power did she have?" He had a clue about who it could be, but he couldn't make a proper guess what she would want here.

"Ice magic."

The scaled narrowed his eyes and rubbed his deformed nose. "Okay."

"Okay?" hissed the fire devil.

"Thank you for the notification."

For a moment the sheriff was silent, then asked, "That's all?"

"Should I pick you up somewhere and then take care of my little baby?" Shinji grinned a little bit.

The fur carrier groaned furiously. "You're such an asshole. Do what you want."

"Take it easy. Heal up completely before you go hunting again." Kenji snorted. "Be glad you are still alive."

"You know her?" The voice of the fire devil was rising with surprise.

The undertaker thought about what he could entrust to his friend. He knew Yukiko. And he wondered what she could want here. She had disappeared from the city years ago. That was when Tirr had his meteoric rise and had begun to kill the hunters. And then there was the other thing.

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