72 And the Morning After (Present)

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When Yuna woke up, Wataru was still deep asleep. She turned on her side and studied him extensively. She stroked a strand of hair from his face and studied it intensively. It was so cute of him that he wanted to protect her, but that was just not possible. He was only human. He didn't have the same abilities as she did. He didn't belong in her world.

Sighing, she withdrew her hand and rolled onto her back. She stared at the ceiling for a while, trying to think of something other than her possible imminent death.

What else do I want to experience before I die?

The blue-haired girl closed her eyes and dawned slowly away.

She was back in a meadow. A cold wind stroked the gray grass. Her gaze rose to the sky, which seemed clouded and gray. There was a sea of ​​fog around her. Everything seemed lifeless. There were no cicadas, no birds and no cars. No people. Nothing. Only the huntress, the grass under her feet and a cold,but still breath of wind.

Yuna took a step forward, whereupon the grass was squeezed under her shoes. She raised her left hand in the air and waved it back and forth, but it felt wrong.

Is this a dream?

She noticed that the fog was not equally dense on all sides, so she took a few steps to the left as she thought she recognized something there. As she marched forward, the mist gradually parted, until she spotted the edge of the meadow and a paved sidewalk.

Undeterred, she continued, until her soles rattled on the asphalt. She looked around, discovering some buildings.

"This seems familiar to me," she murmured to herself.

The high-school student turned right and walked on the path. Next to the sidewalk was an ordinary two-lane street. On the other side of the road, another pavement followed, continued by garden fences and house walls. It was a completely ordinary side street, as they existed in her hometown by the hundreds.

Greedily she sucked in the air through her nose, but no impression manifested in her mind. It didn't smell of anything. Only absence.

Yuna reached a road that met with this one. She looked at a map that luckily was there, then nodded slowly.

It really is my city.

So it had to be a dream. Still, it seemed very strange to her. She had been through terrible dreams in the past few months, but never before was one so... pale.

The girl sighed and marched on. According to the plan, she was a little East of her school, so she was somewhere between this place and the pension.

"Man... Why can't I dream of something beautiful?" Yuna whined, stroking her hair. "I have a boyfriend, who's sleeping right next to me. Why can't I dream of him?"

Shaking her head, she made her way to the pension. She usually used a road two blocks to the North, but she knew her way around well enough to not get lost.

On her way she looked at the gray buildings. Why was everything so gray? What should this dream tell her?

Suddenly she heard a noise. Immediately, the huntress stopped and listened. Steps! Without hesitation, she ran. The sound had come from one of the back alleys, so she turned to the next and looked around. Of course it was not a dead end. Whatever had caused the noise had moved on.

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