114 School Festival Attractions (Present)

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With a grim expression, Yuna stomped to her school. Actually, she should be happy because today was the school festival. No regular classes required her attention. Even the day before all the lessons were canceled so that everything could be polished once more for today's festival. Yukiko had been present, but hadn't once tried to start a fight. She doubted it would last, but as long as Yukiko wouldn't provoke her, it was easier to keep the promise to Kimura-san.

A few hundred meters from the entrance, Rin Masatada joined her. "Hey, Yuna-chan."

"Morning, Rin-chan."

"Ready for the big day?" A shrug had to suffice as an answer to the vice-class speaker. "Were you able to sort things out with Aizawa?"

"Why do you ask?"

Rin adjusted her glasses. "Because she ignored you yesterday."

"Not really. Why are you interested in that?"

"As class speakers, I and Nisha should also settle conflicts among the students. Since Nisha is shy, I usually do these things."

"Hm. No idea. She leaves me alone. Maybe she was reprimanded by the principal."

"Maybe..." Rin raised an eyebrow and squinted at Yuna.

"Good morning, together." Nisha came running from behind and then kept pace with them. "I almost couldn't sleep from excitement."

Rin smiled. "I almost think that this is your first school festival."


Before Yuna could say anything, Rin continued, "I think it's good that you can still look forward to a school festival."

"Exactly." The cat girl smiled widely.

They entered the schoolyard, whereupon Yuna spotted the red-glowing eyes of Yukiko. To her displeasure, Hikari stood by her and they seemed to be talking. She snorted and looked away.

"Aizawa and Wada on our left," Rin whispered.

Yuna growled, "I've seen them." Nisha headed for the two. "What are you doing?"

The class representative peered over her shoulder. "We know them, so we should say good morning."

A choking noise came from the blue-haired girl. "You're just too good for this world." Reluctantly, she followed the other two until they arrived at their classmates.

"Good morning to you," Nisha greeted the others.

"Good morning," Hikari replied, while Yukiko must have discovered an extremely interesting spot somewhere on the facade.

"Good morning." Rin nodded to Hikari and then looked at Yukiko.

"Hey." Yuna stopped behind Nisha and looked at her best friend, who gave her a tentative smile.

"Are you looking forward to the school festival?" the class representative asked.

"If only we had a more exciting attraction than the cafe. Boring." Hikari chuckled and squinted at Yukiko, who was still studying the facade.

"You can start making plans for next year." Rin winked at her. "We'll see each other in the classroom before it starts." She and Nisha moved on. Yuna stood undecided for a moment and stared blankly at her best friend.

"Do you need anything else, Yuna-chan?" Hikari asked.

The two blue-haired girls looked at each other dismissively, then Yuna shook her head. "Nope. See you later." She followed her companions.

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