66 Shopping for Beginners (Present)

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During the tram ride to the city center, Yuna held her cell phone in her hand. She had stuffed the headphones in her ears and listened to 'Hikaru Nara' by Goose House, the opening theme of the anime 'Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso'. She hummed softly and tapped a message to Nisha.

I'm on my way. Where do we meet?

She waited a moment and then looked out the window, but immediately her device vibrated.

We wanted to meet at the big shopping center. Hikari wants to buy a CD.

I'll meet you there.

When will you arrive?

20 minutes

Okay. See you later. =^.^=

The blue-haired girl put her phone back in her shoulder bag, brushing the knife with her hand.

Can I hunt today? Maybe on the way home?

She felt the unpleasant tingling in her stomach. She couldn't tell, how much time she had left, before it would get worse. It was urgently necessary to hunt as soon as possible, and to make proper prey. Either she had to go to the big forest or the abandoned amusement park.

Yuna walked from the bus stop to the mall. On the forecourt were many people, who busily minded their own business. She scanned the place, looking for her friends. Maybe a more precise meeting place would have been smarter. Then she noticed a white and blue school uniform, and when she looked at the girl, she recognized Nisha Narusegawa. The blue-haired pulled up her left brow and moved towards the class president, head shaking.

"Why are you wearing your school uniform?" the taller girl wondered.

"Hey, Yuna-chan!" Blinking, the cat girl looked down at herself. "Is that wrong?"

"Well... today is not a school day. Wear casual clothes." Yuna stopped next to her friend, who studied her clothes.

"I have no other clothes. Well... my sports stuff, but otherwise." She hooked on her collar and pulled on it. "I even hate the school uniform."

The Masuda girl had to laugh. "What are you wearing at home?"



Shrugging, the gray-haired girl answered, "No clothes. If I don't do anything, then I'll take on my cat form. And cats do not wear clothes."

Yuna blushed as she pictured the class president naked. "Phew."

"Is that crazy?!" Nisha asked quickly with a worried look.

"No idea. I mean... you're not human." She turned her eye thoughtfully. "Kitsune wears a kimono. Even as a fox."

"He sure sweats a lot."

The taller girl waved her hand. "No way. The lazy sack hangs all day in front of the TV."

"Wow. Hey you two. I'm looking for two friends of mine. Did you perhaps see them?" Hikari's voice sounded a bit away from the two. They turned to the third, wearing torn black jeans, a thin, long-sleeved sweater and skater shoes.

"Hello Hikari-chan," Nisha greeted her joyfully.

"Oh, Nisha. I almost didn't recognize you in your school uniform. You look so different than usual." Then the black-haired girl looked at her best friend. "Thought you were busy."

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