81 Accepted (Present)

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"Please excuse the wait." Kazuki Chigusa hurried through the conference room to the chair opposite Midori. He reached for a glass of water, which Mika, his assistant, had already prepared for him. The financial adviser drank it almost completely in one gulp. "The financial market is going crazy right now. The dam... The Chinese..." He glanced at the three women sitting opposite of him.

Midori looked at him directly and seemed to listen to him attentively. Yui, to her right, once more read the documentation of Yoshiro Takagi's estate, while Yuna, on the other side of the nurse, played around on her cell phone.

"... doesn't matter, does it? How are you?" The blue-haired girl squinted from her cell phone and looked at him. He returned her gaze, but frowned when he saw her right eye. He checked out her left, then averted his gaze.

"So far, so good," said the guardian. "And you?"

"Yes. I'd say so too."

Yui closed the folder. "How much money did we lose?" she asked, looking across the table.

Her sister looked over at her, then put her cell phone on the table. "What are you talking about?"

"The Nikkei 225 fell nearly five percent yesterday."

Kazuki blinked in surprise. "You are interested in the stock market, Masuda-san?" Midori also turned to the youngest and looked at her dumbfounded.

"A large part of the heritage is invested in the Takagi group, which is listed on the stock market. I saw on TV last night that markets were plummeting worldwide. So that has a direct influence on the inheritance."

"As a matter of fact. I don't know yet, but if you wish, I can get it calculated."

The blonde grinned. "We won't get impoverished immediately."

"Really not." The financial adviser allowed himself a smile. "You are very inquisitive, Masuda-san."

"Really." Even Yuna marveled at her sister. She knew that Yui was extremely intelligent and interested in everything - often things that the high-school student didn't understand at all.

"Well... that's not why we're here, are we?" He folded his hands on the table in front of him. "Would you like any information?"

Midori shook her head. "No. We talked a few times in the last few days and I think we made a decision."

"Okay." Kazuki looked at Mika, who kept a log on her laptop. "I'm curious."

The nurse took turns watching her wards. "Would one of you want to continue?"

"I don't care," Yuna admitted.

"No. You can say it, Midori-san."

"Good." Her green eyes focused on the financial adviser. "We accept the inheritance."

His deep chuckle sounded. "Everything else would have baffled me. What about the Takagi Foundation?"

"We go without it," said the pregnant woman.

Slowly, the financial adviser nodded. He looked at the middle-school student, who looked totally relaxed. "You've all made that decision together, I suppose?"

"Yes." Yui made a verbal note, while her sister merely nodded.

"Okay." He scratched his beard. "That will certainly not please Narusegawa-sama."

Mockingly, Midori remarked, "I couldn't care less."

"Don't worry. We will still donate," the blonde interjected. "We also love this city."

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