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The summer sun stood high in the sky. This year the summer was extremely hot. An unnatural heat swept over the whole country. No, even the whole world. From everywhere, reports about a record summer were heard.

A Shinkansen express train raced on the tracks of its rail. The machine moved inexorably to the south at a speed of over one hundred twenty-four miles per hour.

The landscape flew by the side windows, but one could still see some distant objects for a few seconds. Inside the train were pleasant sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit, so that the passengers could enjoy the maximum comfort.

A young woman sat at a window and peered outside. She had her long, blue hair bound to a knot at the neck, so she wouldn't risk getting stuck somewhere. She had already wondered if she should cut her hair, but she didn't bring it over her heart.

A few years had passed since she had left her home town, but now she returned. Although she felt little joy at the thought of 'coming home', she still felt an excited sensation in her stomach.

Interesting news had reached her ear and she wanted to make sure that it was really the truth. It was possible that she would meet some old friends. At the thought of the stupid faces of her acquaintances she had to grin inevitably. She would probably allow herself a few innocent jokes so that her appearance would leave a striking impression.

Just a pity that he wouldn't be there. However, when she thought about their last meeting, it maybe was not that bad. Some things, you just had to let go. That was life. Nothing remained forever, and only change was a constant in this world.

When the Shinkansen shot into a dark tunnel, her red-glowing eyes were reflected from the window glass.

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