Chapter 15: Family Blood-Part 1

Start from the beginning

When he heard Marie say that, Jones began to remember the bombing case and how Marie witnessed their suspect killing himself. He then sighed deeply and thought, I wish I knew who was killed in front of Marie in her past. Then maybe I can help her. Soon, they arrived at the Greene residence and once they entered the house they headed towards the baby's room. There they were greeted by their victim tied in a fetal position and the two officers both thought that killing a woman in front of her baby is already heartless, but tying her up is the work of a psychopath.

After the body was taken away, while the two officers thought that Nathan will find something good during the autopsy so it'll help them catch Aileen's killer, Jones and Marie started searching the baby's room until Marie saw a piece of paper that was next to the body and she saw the top half revealed an address. But the bottom half was cut off and Marie thought that she can scan it later to reveal the rest. Jones then suggested that they talk to the family's nanny Mrs. Fusslepot, since she was the one who found the body.

After Marie bagged the address, the two officers were standing before an old woman who was comforting a little baby and Marie asked, "Is everything okay with him ma'am?"

"The poor dear has been crying all morning. Poor little Oliver here must now know that his mama is now dead," Mrs. Fusslepot said to them sadly and Marie asked if she can help and the woman smiled kindly to her and handed the crying baby to the female officer.

As Marie started rocking and comforting the baby, Jones looked down sadly and asked, "It must've been quite a shock finding Mrs. Greene this way. What time did you arrive at the house Mrs. Fusslepot?" And the nanny told them that she came at around 7 am and that she always comes in early on Tuesdays.

Mrs. Fusslepot then explained that Aileen liked to sleep late and she wasn't the most dedicated mother. She was the only one who took care of Oliver and Aileen's husband knew that his wife couldn't be counted on. After the baby calmed down a bit, Marie up to the nanny and asked, "Well, we would like to talk to Mrs. Greene's husband. Is he home?"

"Yes, he just came back from his morning jog. You two will find him in the living room down the hall," Mrs. Fusslepot directed and as soon as Marie gave the baby back to her the two officers set off to talk to the victim's husband.

In the living room, Jones leaned into Marie's ear and whispered, "Alright Marie, remember, we're dealing with Alden Greene's son here. So, we better be tactful if we don't want Alden on our backs afterwards. Cause who knows what he'll do to us." And Marie nodded quickly understanding the situation.

After Marie told the man about Aileen's death, Paul clenched his teeth and pounded his fist on the coffee table and said, "You had better find my wife's murderer double quick, sergeant! Whoever dared to break into my home must be caught and locked up!"

"My partner and I understand you're upset, but we're here to help you Mr. Greene. Did your wife happen to have any enemies?" Marie asked him and he explained that Aileen had trouble making friends and he wondered who in this town would be foolish enough to attack the Greene name anyway.

Paul then began to storm on about the scandal that will happen once the news broke out and the reporters will have a field day. As they exited the house, Marie said, "That Paul Greene seemed to be quite the charmer. It seems he was more concerned about the fact that someone attacked the Greene name then his own wife's death."

"Well, I'm really starting to dislike everyone in this part of town Marie. They all seem to be interested in money and about protecting their reputations then about people," Jones said while crossing his eyes.

Back at the station, Marie placed the paper she found at the crime scene and once it was scanned it appeared on her computer and she started to decode the address. After a while, Marie cracked it and when Jones looked at it he began to wonder what it meant, but sadly he couldn't come up with anything. Marie then handed it over to Alex so he can figure out what the address is. A few minutes later, Alex figured out where the address is and he told Jones and Marie that it points straight to one of the old factories. He then explained that the numbers, STH D3 WAR6, means south dock number 3, warehouse number 6.

Alex then implanted the coordinates into their GPS and when Jones saw them he smiled and thought, I'd never imagine Marie and I would step back into the Industrial Area again. Soon, the two officers set off towards the factory to search for clues. As they arrived at the old factory and stepped inside, Jones clung onto Marie's arm while looking around and he said, "This place gives me the creeps. I wonder why a woman of Aileen's standing would come to a place like this?"

"Well, let's look around for clues that can help us clear up this mystery. And you're squeezing my arm too tight Jones," Marie said and Jones let go of her and apologized,

Soon, they started searching around until Marie found a torn photo. Once she saw it, Marie began thinking that it's a weird place to keep it. Marie then put the pieces together and once they were together again, both officers saw that in the picture was their victim when she was a little bit younger and a man in a beanie hat. Jones then got curious and said, "Whoever that man is, it's not Aileen's husband."

Suddenly, they heard someone calling out to them and Jones and Marie heard that it was a man's voice. They then saw that the man standing away from them was the man in the picture. Marie then ran up to him and tackled him to the ground and the two of them started to wrestle until Marie gained the upper hand and pinned him on his back with her knee. Jones then approached the and showed him his police badge and said to him, "We're with the Grimsbourough Police Department! Who are you and what are you doing here?"

The man the struggled in Marie's grip and said to him, "My name is Tom Hunt! And I didn't do anything wrong, I was just crashing here for a few days. I didn't even know this factory still belonged to someone!"

Marie then got off of Tom and stood next to her partner and she said to him, "You can relax Mr. Hunt, we're not here to evict you. But the woman in this picture we found has just been killed. Do you know who she was to you?" And when Marie showed him the picture his eyes when wide like saucers.

Tom then explained that Aileen was his ex-wife and that she got a divorce just disappeared five years ago. Tom had just managed to track her down to this town. Jones then crossed his eyes at the man and asked him, "By track her down, you mean you were stalking her?"

"No! I loved Aileen! I wanted to ask her for a second chance, but she wouldn't have anything to do with me; she wouldn't even see me," Tom explained to the two officers in front of him and he looked down sadly knowing his ex was dead.

At the station, Nathan finished with the autopsy and he called Jones and Marie so he can tell them the results. Nathan then explained to them that Aileen was beaten to death with a blunt object; he thinks maybe a baseball bat, but Jones and Marie have to find it to so he can be 100% sure. Nathan also told them that the victim was tied up post-mortem, as if the killer wanted to subdue her even more since killing her wasn't enough. Nathan then said, "You're probably looking for someone who felt humiliated by Aileen and they wanted to regain control over her. I also found traces of alcohol on your victim's face; whiskey to be exact. And there were no traces of alcohol in her blood or even her mouth."

"Which means the attacker threw it on Aileen's face deliberately. Which means our killer is a whiskey drinker," Marie concluded.

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