57. Rebellion - Calum

Start from the beginning

"Yeah? So you're not, I don't know, stuck?" He asked innocently.

You felt yourself blush, thankfully it was dark enough that he couldn't see.

"No, that's ridiculous," you sighed.

"So I also didn't see Y/BFF/N hide in the bushes?" He asked.

"Uh no," you panicked, trying again to free yourself.

"Don't bother wriggling, I did the same thing a while ago, you're stuck," he waved you off.

"Wait really?" You froze and looked down.

"Yep, trust me, this is a four man job," he pulled out his phone, "I'm gonna call Calum."

"Fine," you groaned, "Y/BFF/N, go to the party and tell them I'm sick or something, just leave while you still can."

"No, I'll never let you go," he said dramatically head sticking up out the bush.

"Look, Jack," Michael said, "if you don't go now you're gonna get busted."

"On the other hand I don't think this driftwood is big enough for the two of us," he said sheepishly. You watched as he snuck back off to his car, and then nodded at Michael to make the call.

"Look bro," you heard him say, "go into Y/N's room. No, just trust me on this. Just do it. Please? Good."

He shot you a thumbs up and then walked over to the shortest part of the roof.

"I'm gonna climb up there," he said.

"Good luck," you laughed, watching as he tried multiple times to pull himself up.

"Y/N?" You heard the door of your room open behind you.

"Oh God not again," Luke said from somewhere behind you.

"What are you DOING?" Calum seethed.

"Well obviously trying to get some fresh air, just got a little stuck," you giggled.

"Uhhhh huh," Ashton tutted.

"Can we focus on the issue at hand?" You pleaded.

"Fine, I'll go around with Michael to pull, you two push," Calum said.

"Push? Push what? Her butt?" Luke asked.

"Legs please!" You yelled.

"Duh," Ashton said, and you heard him smack Luke across the back of the head.

Calum walked out of the room and you heard him leave as the front door slam.

"Somebody's in trouuuuuublllllle," Ashton hummed.

"Shut up," you kicked your legs around until you hit someone.

"Ow!" Luke whined.

"Sorry, aiming for Ashton," you apologized.

"Hey!" Ashton complained.

"Really Michael?" Calum chuckled when he came out to see his other bandmate still struggling to get up.

"It's higher up than you think," Michael complained.

"Mhmmm," Calum said, effortlessly jumping up to grab the edge of the roof and pull himself up.

"Don't say anything," Michael warned him, "just pull me up."

"Sure thing," Calum smirked, then reached down and helped his bandmate up.

Once on the roof, they both walked over to you.

"I'm just gonna warn you now, this is gonna hurt, a lot," Michael said.

"Great," you said.

"Just try and relax your muscles, try and visualize yourself sliding out," Calum said as he took one of your arms. Michael grabbed the other.

Behind you, Ashton and Luke grabbed your legs just past the knee.

"Is everyone ready?" Luke asked.

There were a chorus of agreement from the other three boys.

"Okay, on the count of three," he said, "one, two, three!"

On the order Ashton and Luke pushed while Calum and Michael pulled.

"Ow ow ow ow," you complained while they tried to free you from the window.

"Stop, stop," Michael finally said, giving you a break.

"Thank God," you relaxed, loosening in their hold.

"Now GO!" He yelled and they did it again.

Somehow this time it worked. You must have been slipperiness from the sweat or something because you came rocketing out, right on top of your brother.

"WOOOOO! Yeah!" Luke jumped up and down from inside.

"Ugh," you rolled off of Calum and onto your back.

"I think that hurt me more than you," he groaned.

"Clearly you've never been stuck in a window then," you snorted.

"Come on you two, lets get you up off the roof," Michael offered you each a hand and pulled you to your feet.

"Thank God," you grinned, carefully sliding off the edge of the roof off the ground.

"Mhmmm, but what I want to know is why you were on the roof in the first place," Calum said, making you freeze on the ground.

"I thought we discussed this already? Just some fresh air," you chuckled nervously.

"Yeah, only issue is that I don't believe you," he said.


"Y/N, tell me the truth," he asked.

"Fine. There may or may not have been a party. I may or may not have tried to go," you said.

"Thank you, and ya know I'm feeling generous," he said as he ushered you into the house, "I'll only ground you for a week instead of two."

"Hmph, how kind," you mumbled.

"What?" He asked.


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