∞Chapter 17∞

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(I listened to Is There Somewhere by Halsey in this chapter and I felt as if it went great w/ this chapter)


When I saw Noelle screaming at Luke this morning I wanted to flip shit. Luke has hurt so many people in the past and he took advantage of a girl who had no idea of his intentions.

When she slowly started to break down it pained me, not because that's what a human would do but because I honestly felt bad for her. So I ran up behind her and wrapped my arms around her torso, keeping her up.

She tried to get out of my grip but I couldn't let her. She was shooting Luke daggers, and who knows what she's capable of when this mad. I didn't want Luke hurt as much as I hated him at the moment.

"Noelle please just calm down." I whispered into her ear. She nodded, confusion clear in her eyes. Ashton was already screaming at Luke in the kitchen. I couldn't let her hear. "It's around 6:30am, I'm going to take you home okay?" She nodded mechanically, too traumatized to even speak.

I helped her walk to the car, while the shouts of Michael, Ashton and Luke were heard from the inside of the house. I opened the backseat door and lied her across the seat. She nodded, which I took as a quick thanks and curled up in the corner.

I put on My Chemical Romance on the quietest volume. She silently cried herself to sleep. I drove past all the houses till I pulled up to a two story house with an intimidating look on the outside.

It looked so proper and clean cut like a cookie cutter, compared to my one story small house. It didn't look like it belonged to Noelle, she looked like she belonged in my house.

I opened the door and picked her up, taking her key from the side of her shoe. She curled into my chest as I held her. I slowly opened the door, making sure not to make any noise as I walked up the stairs.

I slowly opened her bedroom door and shut it behind me. I lied her on her bed, taking off her small heel boots and set them on top of the dresser. I gently pulled the covers over her, making sure she was warm.

Quietly, I walked down the stairs and looked for the bottle of aspirin. I poured her a small glass of water, brought it upstairs to her and curled up next to her. She looked so peaceful, and delicate like glass. I slowly wrapped my arm around her waist, and pulled her close to me.

*Time Skip*

I woke up for the first time without a nightmare in my sleep. Noelle was still sleeping beside me, and it was a great sight.

Her brown hair was scattered across the pillow, light snores escaping her plump lips. I lightly kissed her forehead, and stood up to go get her breakfast. I soon learned her parents had already left for the day, so I stopped tip-toeing around and decided to make her an omelette.

I cracked the eggs into the bowl, putting some shredded cheese and ham into the mix. Then I added seasonings like pepper, garlic salt, a little pinch of chili, and seasoning salt. I mixed them together and poured them into the hot pan, watching them bubble.

Finally I had finished the food, along with a side of toast and some orange juice. She would wake up with one hell of a hangover.

When I walked into her room, she was sitting there, no longer in her shredded dress but in some sweatpants and a tank top. Her hair was in a messy bun, and no makeup evident on her face. "Cal?" She asked, obviously surprised I was there.

"I'm sure you're hungry, yeah?" I asked her, putting the food on her bedside table next to her phone. She nodded and looked at the food, mouth practically watering. "Eat up" I told her, proud of her reaction.

"Thank you, oh my god this is so good what the fuck I never knew-" she spoke, practically moaning at the food. "You could hold moonlight in your hands, 'till the night I had you?" I smirked, not able to hold in my Ariana Grande joke.

She giggled -which was the most beautiful noise ever- and continued eating. "No not particularly, I meant I never knew you could cook like that!" She exclaimed, stretching out on her bed, in a food coma.

I took her plates and moved them to the kitchen. "I'm gonna invite Khalia over, is that okay?" She asked. Khalia, the beautiful friend of Noelles. I loved Noelle as a friend, and this was just to show her she could trust me. 

"So uh, how'd you sleep?" I asked her, frowning. She shrugged, not really knowing how to answer. 

I awkwardly scratched the back of my head. "Uh so, like do you feel okay?" I mumbled, clearly not knowing how to take care of someone. She nodded, but then grew stiff. "Fuck." She mumbled. "What is it?" I asked, worried.

"Fuck, Fuck! I forgot I'm so screwed." She yelled, walking around the room, going through drawers. "Forgot what?" I asked cluelessly. "The fucking pill!" She yelled, scared. She finally found a package of small pills, a light pink colour. She ripped one out of it's packaging, and swallowed it dry. "Was that the morning after pill?" I asked, probably irritating her. She nodded. "I need more food." She mumbled.

I simply nodded, fumbling with the bottom of my shirt. "You okay?" She asked. "Yeah, you?" I asked. 

"I'm fine." She said, finishing her food.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hey guys! I know I've updated 3 times this week! (it's a fuckin miracle ok)



I'd like to tell y'all a lil story.

its a short one.

its called im probably not straight.

the end :)

anyways i hope you guys are happy and well as i just told u im extra happy but oh well :)

if you guys need anyone to ever talk to even if its about random shit  i'd love to hear from you!

thank you guys so much.

i love you to the fucking moon.



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