∞Chapter 13∞

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Day 1 Of Suspension:

Mum was very pissed off when I got sent home early. I had to text her, since she was in the middle of teaching her maths class.

Me: Mum I have something to tell you

Mum: Luke this better be important I'm teaching right now, the only reason I answered as soon as you sent this is because the students are copying notes down.

Me: So I may have gotten suspended??

Mum: Excuse me? Luke you better be kidding or I swear.

Me: ...

Mum: Luke when you get home turn your phone off set it in my cabinet. How long are you suspended for?

Me: 2 weeks...

Mum: I can't even type right now Jesus Christ Luke.

Me: sorry mum I'll go now

Mum: yeah, you will.


As I walked home I used the advantage of my mum not being there to take the long way and plugged my earbuds in. I forgot that I had previously had them on full volume, and it scared the shit out of me when American Idiot started playing.

"Holy FUCK!" I yelled, jumping at least two feet in the air. I felt my backpack bump into someone. "Dude watch where you're going." Khalia spat. "Oh god not you again." She groaned, hitting her forehead with the palm of her hand. "Yeah, like I'm so happy to see you too." I shot back. "Where are you going?" I asked, as she walked off. "Somewhere you aren't." she yelled, flipping me off.

"Well fuck." I muttered, and continued home.


You know that feeling, when you walk in a room and have all eyes on you and you know it? *sorry dont stop puns fuck me up*, well as soon as I walked inside that's what I felt. "Luke. Robert. Hemmings." My older brother Ben said, sounding stern as ever. "Uh... I'll be back?" I said, trying to leave. "Nope, not until you explain why the fuck you called someone a slut, whore and worthless? Did you not learn after Sienna?!" He shouted, hands waving around like an idiot. "Ben. I fucking know what I did to Sienna god damnit! Don't think just because you're older and 'wiser' that you can go bossing me around. I'll be 18 in a matter of months, just wait. As soon as I'm legal I'm out of this shit hole." I spat, pointing and yelling.

"Luke get back here!" Ben yelled, as I stomped off into my room. "Hell no." I said, before slamming the door to my room. I leaned back against the door, holding my knees to my chest. My phone buzzed in my pocket, annoying the crap out of me. I finally got it out of my tight skinny jean pockets and looked at the screen. 2 Texts. 

Mum: Have you turned off your phone yet?

I shortly responded with a simple I'm about to I just got home, and viewed the next text. 

Calcium: Hey man, I know you got in trouble right now but there's this party being thrown by Jonathan and we both know his parties are the best. Wanna come with?

Me: Yeah, sure. I'll sneak out right now because Ben is on the look out for me. Just meet me at the park on the corner of 25th Street and Gordon Ave. Okay?

Calcium: Okay cya later.

Me: Okay.

After that I turned on some Green Day, at full volume and changed. This was a Jonathan Greenwood party, the best parties thrown in the school. I put on my I Don't Trust Me Either muscle tank, with my open red flannel over it with my traditional black skinnies. I checked the time on my phone; 2:48 pm. Perfect, I could sneak over to Calums, hang out there for a while and then we could all head to the party. I texted him, letting him know I'd sneak over to his house and that I was leaving in 10 minutes.

As I turned off my music, I put on socks, not risking my sneakers squeaking in the hallway. I gently closed my door and looked in the living room. No one was there, I assumed Ben had gone into his room doing god knows what. I slowly held my shoes, phone in pocket, and I slowly walked outside. Someone cleared their throats behind me and I froze. "Shit." I muttered. 

"Going somewhere?" Jack asked, smirking. "Uh no." I lied, rocking on my heels. "Yeah you were. And you forgot to invite me!" He said, clapping like a 5 year old. "Oh god." I muttered, rubbing my face with my free hand. 


"So where are we off too?" Jack asked, as we walked down the streets to Calum's house. "Jonathan Greenwood is having a party, everyone knows how amazing his parties are." I said, as if stating the obvious. "Oh hell yeah, even if I graduated last year I know how amazing his parties are. Small communities and all." He smirked. "Sure, small communities. You totally haven't been fucking the princi-" I tried retorting, but he covered my mouth and shushed me before I could finish. 

"Shut up." He said.

"Make me" I smirked.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HEY GUYS




AND Kylialovesyou MADE ME UPDATE








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