∞Chapter 11∞

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After the bell rang everyone sprawled out of the room, wanting to leave this hell hole as soon as possible. I walked to my locker, taking my time considering I didn't have to be home until around 9 pm.

I finally got my locker open after multiple tries and the wrong combo, stuffing my afternoon binders in the small space. "NOELLE!!" Darci yelled, running down the hall. "Que?" I asked, roughly shoving my books around to get them to fit. "When can we go get food?" She asked, trying to fix her light blonde hair. I just shrugged and slammed my locker.

She grabbed my wrist and pulled me outside, almost tripping on the way. "C'mon I want a burrito and you don't see one with me now do you?" She asked, growling. "Chill doggy you'll get your burrito soon." I chuckled, looking through tumblr while sitting on the front steps of the school.

Pissed off, Darci took my phone and shoved it in her pocket and got in the car. "What the fuck." I muttered and followed her.

We soon arrived at Taco Teddies (I don't think that's an actual place but that's ok) and ordered a shit ton of food. "Ok, so you ordered 2 jumbo steak burritos, 2 nachos, 2 small soft tacos and 2 large diet cokes?" The woman asked, making sure our order was correct. "Yup." Darci told her. "Your total will be $34.86" the woman told us. "Damn, and only one third of that Food was Mine." I told Darci, smirking as we walked away.


"I am never eating that much again." Darci groaned as she lied on my bed. "I told you that was way to much food, but you didn't listen." I taunted, giving her a smug smile. In return she threw a pillow at me, whacking me in the head. "I hate you." I mumbled. "I hate you more." She said.

"MAKE WAY, HERE COMES THE KING." Michael yelled from the other side of the door. "Shut up I'm the king not you." Calum mumbled. "If anything you're a princess." Michael shot back. They soon bursted into door, arguing on who got to

Go in first.

Irritated, I opened the door and pulled them both in by the collars of their shirts. They both grumbled and shot insults at eachother along the way. "Die." Michael said. "Kiss my ass." Calum fired back. "Eat my dick." Michael yelled. "What dick?" Calum said smugly. "The one you were sucking last night." Michael said, smirking.

Calum blushed a deep crimson at this, looking down sheepishly. "YOU GUY-" Darci started to yell before Michael covered her mouth. "Hush. You didn't hear any of this." He said, looking her in the eye. In return she licked the palm of his hand. "EW! SHE LICKED ME." He yelped, shooting up and running to the bathroom.

"Wait so Cal you did actually..." I asked, giggling. "He had a problem! I was just trying to help I MEAN really problems hurt especially whe-" Calum rambled. "Shush I don't wanna hear the story." Darci interrupted, covering her ears.

"I hate all of you." Michael said from the bathroom. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~aye guys 

Sorry for like PFFT... 10 days without updating? 

IDK it's been hella long

I've had a shit ton of schoolwork 😞


GIMME A FOLLOW ON TWITTER AND TUMBLR! (Twitter: AshTheIdiot) (TUMBLR: ashtheldiot  *l not i)

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