Chapter 5 - Marking Me

Start from the beginning

Time froze.

They stared.

All hell broke loose.

Figures rushed out from behind the dark woods that line both sides of the road. Shade was tackled to the asphalt by one of the giant night-flyers. Another night-flyer was thrown face-first into a tree by one of the figures. In the confusion Nixie disappeared. Three night-flyers flew up into the sky. Alona stood horrified at the sight before her. Three of her men lay incapacitated upon the black tar. Shade was limping and holding her side.

Nixie was nowhere to be seen.

“Nixie?” Alona called her name. No reply.

“Nixie?” Again no reply.

Shade gasped and reached to steady herself on Alona.

“Where is she?” Shade looked panic-stricken.

“If I knew I wouldn’t be looking.” Alona snapped at Shade.

A scream swept through the air. A scream of pain.

“Nixie!” Alona left Shade to fall as she ran down the street in what she assumed was the direction of Nixie’s location. “Nixie! Answer me!” Her calls grew faint. Shade dropped to the asphalt and dropped her head in her hands. What would Mirah want with Nixie? Why did Nixie react that way to her in the first place? It was a mystery.

Boom! Boom boom boom! The loud sounds of huge crashes reverberated through the air. Shade’s head shot up as she took in the falling form above her. Its arms flailed around wildly. The distant whisper of a scream grew and grew with the decreasing distance between the falling person and Shade.

Her long, dark hair trailed behind her as she fell. Branches whipped at her olive-toned skin. The ground was coming closer and closer and closer. She saw Shade looking up at her. The rest was a blur.

It was like zooming in on something. Everything goes into soft-focus for a while. A sudden halt as the button is released. Then after you stop zooming the image slowly comes back into sharp focus. Pixel by pixel. Inch by small inch.

 A whisper: “Take care of her.”

A gentle caress across her cheek: “For now.”

Nixie’s gut dropped just as suddenly as the rest of her was deposited into Shade’s arms.

“Princess!” One of Alona’s men came running down the street after her. She was stood dead centre in the road and was unmoving.

“She has been returned! Nixie is with Shade.” He caught up to her. Alona turned to stare at him.

“She’s okay?” He nodded and she felt like the world had started spinning again.

“Come on then, we must go and make sure she’s alright.” Alona sped off back down the street, her subject following dutifully behind her.

“Oh my dear soul, this hurts.” Cassie was lying with her head in Shades lap while Nixie was sitting half upright against Shade’s back.

“Nixie are you okay?” Alona rushed up to her and crouched down to look into her eyes; they were dazed.

“Alona, do we have any glass-weed?” Shade sounded exhausted.

“One of my men might have some, why?”

“Cassie’s seen a bit much don’t you think?” Alona stood up to go find out if someone had some glass-weed. She returned back with a small vial in-hand. She tipped it into Cassie’s mouth and rubbed her throat to force her to swallow.

“Emryn, get someone to help you and take Cassie into the mortal hospital.” Two men came and lifted Cassie from Shade and  went to lay her gently in the back of a car before climbing in themselves and driving off.

“Shade, we need to take Nixie to Caduceus. She will need to be treated properly.” Shade opened her mouth to object but Alona held up her hand. “We need to have her checked over by someone who will be able to detect any kind of magic or some supernatural problem that normal human doctors would not pick up.” Shade nodded and kept still as Alona hooked her arms under Nixie’s to get a good leverage on her. A few men rushed forward to help Alona carry Nixie and help Shade get her footing as well.

“What’s happening?” Nixie was gazing at Alona with half-closed eyes.

“We’re taking you to a hospital Nixie.” Alona reassured her.


“Just to ake sure nothing’s wrong. Now rest up, we’ll be there soon okay, you need to get better so you need your sleep.” Alona smiled down at Nixie, who nodded and closed her eyes.

“Wow, you sure know how to put a girl to sleep.” Shade smirked at Alona as she hobbled along beside her with the help of one of the guys.  Alona rolled her eyes at her and carried on walking.

“Alona, she’s going to find out about us now.”

“I’m aware of that.” Alona snapped back at Shade.

“Well, off to the White plain we go then.”

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