His Song

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these are the lyrics to Jin solo track— AWAKE. Listen to the song above^

     "It's not that I believe it, but I want to try holding out," he sang

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"It's not that I believe it, but I want to try holding out," he sang. "Because this is all that I can do. I want to remain, I want to dream more."

He wants to dream more. I do too.

"Even so, what I'm saying is that it's time to leave," he continued. "Yeah, it's my truth, it's my truth. I will be covered with wounds all over.."

I left you. I'm sorry because I pained you all over again, and I broke our promise by leaving you alone.

"But it's my fate, it's my fate," he trailed. "Still, I want to struggle and fight more."

Jin, I also want to struggle and fight for us. But it seems like this is our fate, of not being able to stay together. In the end, I'm just another face in the crowd; while you— you, are someone who is much more up there. Someone who is much more needed, and many people adore and love you.

"Maybe I, I can never fly," sang him. "I can't fly like the flower petals over there, or as though I have wings, I just cant,"

I want to go back too, Jin. I want to fly back to the good times. I want to fly back to you. Just like the flower petals, I want the wind to take me into your arms, like how we used to.

"Maybe I, I can't touch the sky," he continued. "Still, I want to stretch my hand out, I want to run, just a bit more."

I want to stretch my hand out to you too. I want to run to you and hug you tight, but I can't. How can I even touch you, when I couldn't even speak when I see you?

"I'm just walking and walking, among this darkness. My happy times asked me this question; You, are you really okay? It asked me."

I am not okay. You're not okay. We both know we are not okay. We're both shattered.

Are we both broken pretending to act like we're fixed, Jin?

"I replied, no, I'm so afraid," he cried.

I am afraid too, Jin. Of loving you, of finding you, of longing for you; or missing you. Because I accept the reality that I can't be with you in this cruel, wicked life. You're a sky full of stars, while I'm down here, watching you and not being able to reach out to you.

"Still, I hold the 6 flowers tightly in my hands," he told. "I'll just keep walking and walking, I said."

I, will also keep walking and walking without the presence of you. The absence of you, left a big hole inside of me.

"I'm wide awake, wide awake.." he sang. "But please, don't cry."

Awake, it saddens me to hear that word. How cruel can this life be? The only light that shone on me was you. I can't hold on, as you walk farther away. Why am I in love alone? Why am I hurting alone? Please, don't cry too. Don't cry because I left you.

"I'm wide awake and wide awake," he continued. "But please, don't lie."

Don't lie about the things we've shared together. Please, Jin. Don't act like you don't remember anything that had happened between us. We've gone through so many things together, but why do we have to stop now? Why do you, give up on us so easily? No— Why do I, have to give up on us so easily? After all that we went through..

Whatever that had happened, whatever that happens or whatever that is yet to happenwon't be able to change anything.

Because in the end,
I will still love you.

AWAKE - kim seok jinWhere stories live. Discover now