Chapter 7: Too Fast?

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         This was it. I was standing in front of Park Seojun's door. I was nervous, just because of this pen. Hell, I felt like running away and never coming back.

But here I was, stood frozen in front of his door. I nervously rang the doorbell while holding his pen.

Seconds later, the door opened. My jaw almost dropped when I saw Seojun topless. His hair was messy.

"What brings you here, Miss Chae?" he asked me.

I gulped the lump in my throat and tried my best to look away from his abs. No, you're crazy Chae Areum. Stop it.

"I-I came to.." I gulped. " give you back this.. pen.."

Why was I even stuttering? This was so not me! Get back to your senses!

"Oh." he said in reply. He took the pen from my hands quickly and said, "Thanks, goodnight."

Then he slammed the door right in front of my face.

I blinked in confusion. Did that just happen? It all felt too quick.

I shrugged my shoulders and went to my apartment. After I had washed up, I quickly went to bed.


"Don't you work, Jin?" I asked him.

Yes, Jin comes here every single day. And everyday, I would always sit across him and chat until he decided to leave. It's like that. Always.

And today, his hair was pushed back and the dark mark was there.

"I work as a shop assistant, apparently. My shift starts at 3pm so I have much time left," he answered. "Why? You don't like me being here?"

"No, no!" I denied. "I like you here. Come more often,"

He laughed. "I see you have a phone now?" he asked.

"Um.. yeah," I said. "Can we exchange numbers?"

He nodded and I gave him my phone for him to punch in his numbers. After he was done, he gave me back my phone.

I looked at the contacts.

He named himself "My Man".

"What?" he chuckled.

I blushed for the nth time today, and kept my phone inside my pocket. "My man, huh?" I cooed.

He smiled cutely and he gave me his phone. I typed in my number and named myself only Chae Areum.

I gave him back the phone and when he saw it, he frowned.

"Why?" I laughed.

He shook his head and did something to his phone.

"Done." he stated, showing me his phone. He changed the name "Chae Areum" to "My Lady" and it made my heart flutter.

I wanted him to stop his cheesy words, but I found myself liking them more everyday. I found myself getting more fond of Kim Seok Jin.

"I'll text you later, I got to go now," he said to me. "Bye, Areumdawo!" he joked.

I waved him goodbye as I watched him leave. Meanwhile, Jimin and Minah were snickering and murmuring about how sweet both Jin and I were earlier.

"Shut up, you two!" I scolded them.

"Arraseo, boss!" Jimin said. "But really, you guys look really cute together. I'm so sure that he likes you, Areum. And I know you like him too." he added.

"Yeah! Just confess to each other already!" Minah butted in.

"I don't know too, guys." I shrugged. "I just think it's too fast."

"Love is never too fast, Areum." Minah said. "If you feel something weird building up inside your body, then it's love. There's no denying it."

I sighed. Maybe. Maybe, I like Jin. But does he like me back? I don't know.

"What if I get rejected?" I asked them.

"What the hell, Areum?" Jimin said. "There's no way he'll reject you. He clearly likes you, can't you see?" he added as he emphasized the word 'clearly'.

"I'm a guy too, so of course I know how guys act around girls they like." he finished.

I sighed, and quickly pulled both of them into a group hug. "Thank you." I said.

"Now let's get back to work!" Minah clapped.



The bell chimed. A customer walked in-- it's Park Seojun.

I stood still on my spot, frozen. But then, Minah nudged my elbow. "Why are you still standing here? Go take his order!"

I quickly walked to his table. "Good evening, Mr. Seojun," I greeted. "What do you want to order?"

"Good evening--" he looked at me. "Wait, aren't you my neighbor?" he asked.

"Yes, yes I am." I replied. "I work here."

"Right." he said. "Americano coffee please."

I jotted down to note his order then went to Jimin as usual. While Jimin was making his order, I kept thinking about the dream I had about Seojun.

Why does it bother me so much? It was just a dream. It was only a dream.

I looked over to Seojun who was playing with his phone. The more I stare at him, the more I feel different. Sure, he's so handsome. His fair skin and built body. But it wasn't just that. There was more about him to me, but I couldn't seem to know what it is.

I shook my head and looked at Jimin. "Yah, what's taking you so long?" I asked him.

"This coffee mixer is--- alright, got it! Here you go." he said, giving the cup to me.

I walked to Seojun while holding the hot coffee. Carefully, I placed the cup down on the table but I accidentally stepped on Seojun's foot, making me trip---

And the coffee spilled on his coat.

What did I just do?!

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