Chapter 12: Why Is It Always You?

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Seojun looks so fine in that pic. Sooo fine.

time check; 6:30pm

I fluttered my eyes open and a strong binding light shone into my eyes. I quickly used my arm to block the light and I realized that I was in somebody's living room, lying on a couch.

Again? I always end up in other people's houses.

"You finally woke up." Seojun popped out of nowhere and I quickly sat up on the couch. "Here," he said as he showed me a cup of hot chocolate.

I was in Seojun's apartment? How? Why?

"W-what.. why did you bring me here--"

"You fainted. I brought you home. I helped. Simple as that." Seojun explained while still standing up in front of me. He shoved the cup nearer to me and I immediately took it.

"T-thanks." I stuttered and took a sip. The hot chocolate spread warmness all over my body, making me feel so relaxed. "I think I'm much better now."

"I didn't ask." Seojun said bluntly and went to sit down beside me. In the corner of my eyes, I could see him staring down at me.

"Why did you suddenly faint?" Seojun asked me. I turned my head to meet his eyes and shrugged my shoulders doubtfully.

"I've been experiencing these really bad headaches ever since the last few weeks. But I think that's okay, I can handle it."

He laughed out loud and pointed at me. "You? You said you can handle it?"

I nodded my head slowly.

"But you fainted. That means you can't handle it. Just go to the hospital already and check up before your condition gets worse." he told me.

Was I the only one who felt like he actually cared for me? Or was it just something that he would usually say to someone who's sick?

"Nah," I shook my head and smiled. "I'm really okay. Just give it some time and it'll settle by itself."

"Tch," he rolled his eyes to me. "Stubborn." he mumbled to himself, but I heard it.

Then, he grabbed the remote control and switched on the TV. He's just casually watching the news, while I was just sitting there, doing nothing else but sipping from my cup.

This felt so familiar. Seojun looked so familiar. This atmosphere, this man beside me, everything were so, very familiar.

I just, I just couldn't guess what it is.

Recalling back the words I heard from my head before I blacked out, the voice really did belong to Park Seojun. I was so sure it was him.

I was staring deeply at him when he caught me looking. I immediately looked away and pretended to watch the TV too. But of course, I was a second late to react.

"Why were you looking at me like that?" Seojun asked as he raised his eyebrow.

I took a deep breath and looked at him back, straight in the eyes.

"Why is it always you?"

"Huh?" Seojun looked confused.

"Why do you.. always appear in my dreams? Your voice kept echoing inside my mind from time to time. Tell me, why is that?" I bit my lower lip and a tear threatened to fall on my cheek. "You looked so sad everytime you appeared in my dreams, and it somehow hurts me to see you like that."

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