Chapter 13: Bomb Alert on Grimsborough-Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Well we can't waste anytime guessing. There might be other bombs out there and we can't risk anymore deaths," Jones said just as they entered the bank and asked the receptionist for Harriet Meadows.

As soon as the woman was in front of them and Jones asked her if she knew Henry Crosby, she told them that she did and his soon almost smashed the bank's window with a garbage bin once. Jones then showed her the file of documents and said to her while she was reading them, "I guess Shaun didn't take the pressure you were putting on his father too well after all."

"Hey, business is tough for everyone these days! You can't just behave like that because you struggle," Harriet said to them and explained that Greene Holding's offer to the Eastfield stall owners was very generous and there are important projects regarding the area that can't be put on hold because of some stubborn people.

After Harriet excused herself, Jones and Marie headed back to the station to hear the results of the faulty bomb. Jones The said, "Ms. Meadows doesn't seem to have any feelings left. I guess that's what banking does to a person."

"Even so, attacking the bank sounds a little extreme. Do you think Shaun might've gone even farther? He did sound pretty angry," Marie said curiously and Jones suggested they check out Henry's stall since Shaun said he'd help run it and might've left a clue for them.

Marie agreed to that idea and the two of them turned around and headed back to the market place. Once they got there, Jones and Marie started searching the stall's counter until Marie found a torn letter. Marie then put it back together and the two officers saw that it was a threat note telling Henry to leave the market or it'll get blown up. Once the letter was bagged, Jones and Marie headed back to the station to give it to Alex so he can figure out who wrote it.

Soon, Alex was done analyzing the letter and he called Jones and Marie to the tech lab to tell them the results. First, he told them about the bomb and he explained that the reason the bomb didn't blow up was it was made not to blow up. Alex then said to them, "The bomber is playing with you guys. If you even tried to disarm it, let's just say you wouldn't be in much better shape than your victim." And that left Jones staring in shock and disbelief after hearing Alex say those words.

Alex then told them that the bomb was a good piece of stellar work and whoever built it knew what they were doing. Marie then made a note in her mind that the killer is also an explosives expert. Jones then began thinking that he remembered reading in Shaun Crosby's army records that he worked in the bomb squad so he matches the profile. Jones then looked at Marie and asked, "Hey Marie, do you think this could've been a tragic accident instead of a murder? Maybe Shaun's father tried to stop him?"

"We won't know for certain until we find out," Marie said to her partner and she looked to Alex and asked him about the letter.

Alex then explained that the letter had no fingerprints on it, so he compared the handwriting with Henry's and Shaun's and Alex smirked and said to them, "Let's just say, Shaun should've used newspaper clippings instead."

"So Shaun was the one who wrote it! Let's go show it to him and see if it'll make him spill the beans," Marie said as she took the letter and bagged it and soon the two officers left to talk to Shaun Crosby.

Once they got back to the market stall, Marie showed Shaun the letter and said to him, "Mr. Crosby, you do realize by writing this, you're committing an act of terrorism."

"I came back from war having to wear those blasted orthopedic shoes and I got this partial deafness from an explosion and you're telling me I'm a terrorist?! Let me tell you something sister, I fought terrorists," the man said with a red face.

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