Chapter 1.

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Bridgewood, though a small town on the outskirts of a busy - city, was well-known and well heard of because of "The Group".

The Group which is one of the biggest business corporation in the country also known as SKB had its headquarters in Bridgewood. It practically ruled the town. It is said that the owners of the company were born and brought up here, so they decided to set up their administration in a place that held most of their memories.

SKB was actually a group of four families that owned the business together. The Sanders, The Kingston's, The Blair's and The Summers. They may be known for their multi-billion businesses, but that was just upfront, to show the world. The Group's real business was that of an agency, more like an organisation to handle (to put it lightly) the criminals. Not the 'I don't have money, that's why I steal food to survive' criminals, but the 'I am going to kill you now because I am paid for it and I don't give a shit as long as I get money' criminals. Just like every other agency, they have missions to go to, targets to complete and of course return in one piece.

And just like every other missions, Jack Sanders had successfully achieved his target and was returning home on a Friday at midnight. He had been gone for about a month now, since he had two missions back to back.

It's good to be back. He thought.

While passing through the Main street, he heard some noise. He paused and listened. Silence. He started walking again.

"Damn it."

He paused again. Turning around, he looked here and there and then took a right, where there was a narrow pathway between two buildings that led to a back alley. He was certain that the voice had come from there somewhere. Slowly he crept forward, reached the alley, looked at his right - Nothing. Then looked at his left - Not Nothing.

Now if he was a normal person, he would have run for the hills. But he wasn't. He was Jack Sanders, next in line to own 'The Group'. Being one of the best agents didn't make him run. Nope! Just frozen on the spot, he couldn't move his eyes off of the scene in front of him.

Am I hallucinating?

The back light from the building was enough for him to see a body lying on the ground - face down. The liquid pooled around his face and chest was certainly not water. Standing beside the body was a silhouette of a girl.

Wait what?! A girl?

Taller than most average girls, loose dark hair reaching down her waist, she had to be not more than nineteen, that much was sure. As if sensing someone's presence, her head snapped up. Green eyes meeting his own blue.

"Is it over?"

That voice, the same voice he had heard before. But there was no one else in sight. Only then did he notice that she had a cell-phone in one hand and a knife - more like a dagger - in the other. A man's voice asking her if she was still on the line.

Keeping her gaze on him, she answered and Jack wondered how a girl with this sweet voice can be capable of a murder.

"Yes I am here and it's over."

"Fine, I'll send someone to clean up."

"That won't be necessary."

"What do you mea - "

She hung up the phone and smirked at him.

"Who the hell are you?" Of course he had to ask that. This was his town.

"Trust me, you don't want to know. But you'll find out soon enough" she winked. [Brief pause] "Good luck with him by the way." She turned her head and nodded towards the body .. err dead body.

Jack's heart hammered against his chest. He didn't know what to do in that moment. But he wasn't the one to back out. And looking at the confident "murderer" in front of him, he knew he had to act wisely.

"I could just call the police, you know." Isn't she worried that someone just witnessed her not so pleasant night errands?

"You won't."

What the hell?!

"Excuse me?"

She just waved her hand dismissively. "Excused." And walked away into the darkness of the night.

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