Chapter 6.

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Since 'The Mystery of Elizabeth Matthews' was ranked #55 in Mystery/Thriller yesterday, an early update for you guys as a token of my gratitude.

GOLDEN GROVE - The name has a nice ring to it, isn't it? But that's just it. The organisation of Golden Grove was nowhere near nice. It provided shelter to almost all types of criminals and made them into the kind of people they needed to do their job. It worked just like 'The Group', but the difference was that The Group killed the criminals and the Golden Grove killed anyone and everyone as long as they were paid money for their killings. And that included a lot of innocent lives. The agents in The Group do get paid for their missions, but it was more of an employee to a business. They get missions from their seniors, yes, but they are anonymously given and paid for.

Golden Grove was a mortal enemy to The Group and acted as a rival to SKB. Golden Grove to The group was like Jim Moriarty to Sherlock Holmes. This probably explained their entire situation.

Jack Sanders, well not only him but the entire Sanders family hated that organisation with a burning passion. It was because of them that their family had been destroyed and Jack's life was never the same. As far as he was concerned, he didn't know all the details but something had happened with Golden Grove in 1997-1998. His parents had gone for a year-long mission. Though the mission was completed (That's what the file says), something had gone terribly wrong. His mom had gone for the mission with his dad but she never came back. He was not even allowed to ask any questions about her and none of his family, that included his dad and grandparents at that time, spoke of her ever since. Even though he was only five he knew that the relation between his dad and his grandparents had changed. He didn't know why and he liked to think he would never know.

Not the only thing that had happened to him because of Grove. They killed his best friend who was like a brother to him just last year and he had yet to find out why.


That was his name. Jack's heart clenched whenever he thought about him. Even though he was two years younger than him, James acted like the older one between the two. Jack Sanders had lost a lot to Golden Grove and he was not ready to lose anything anymore.

And right now Elizabeth was hugging a Golden Grove guy. Yes, he knew that the guy was the enemy because he had a tattoo on his upper arm which was expected from every high ranked Golden Grove member to have. The word GROVE written in golden gave him away.

"Miss me?" The guy smiled teasingly at Beth.

Damn! He even speaks like Jim Moriarty.

But Beth didn't smile back. Her expression was rather serious.

"Why are you here? You'll get both of us killed."

"To take you with me, obviously." He said as a matter of fact.

"I am not going anywhere." She hissed.

The guy was getting impatient.

"It's not safe here. You know that. You are in Bridgewood for God's sake. You are lucky no one has tried to kill you yet."


Beth looked away. Her silence was enough for him.

"Em?" He asked with uncertainty.

Em? Guess this is a start to finally getting some answers.


"You killed him." He stated.

Well, as far as he knows she only killed Ryan.

"It was either him or me." She shrugged.

So this confirms that Ryan did want to kill her and she knows about whoever wants her dead. Shit just got real, didn't it?

The guy groaned.

"I told you not to come here. This was bad idea. You aren't safe here. I am taking you with me even if I have to kidnap you." He said worriedly.

Em looked at him angrily.

"Bridgewood is the safest place for me right now. I am in the heart of 'The Group'. You know they wouldn't dare to take such a risk."


"What about those who are already inside The Group, Em? It's just a matter of time before they find out who you are. Someone already tried to kill you. You are in danger, Em. You shouldn't be here."

Inside the Group? My company had traitors? Can they even be called as traitors? I mean they were trying to kill Em and she certainly seems to be a Golden Grove right now.

Em scoffed. "Peter, I am in danger since the day I was born. Tell me something new."

Peter sighed.

"Have you found your Jack Sanders yet?" He asked.

WHAT?! She is here to find me? Isn't it nice? He thought sarcastically.

"Soon" was her only reply.

Peter groaned again.

"You are so stubborn, just like him."

Him? Just how many characters are there in your life story Em? Jack sighed inwardly.

She glared at him. Her eyes cold and dead.


Even a high ranked Golden Grove flinched.


"Shit! I am so sorry, Em. I swear, I didn't mean to upset you."

"My business here is unfinished and I intend to finish it, whatever it takes." She said in a deadly tone. Even Jack flinched this time. He had never heard her speak like this. "And don't call me Em. I am Elizabeth Matthews and she is here to stay until she gets what she wants. Is that clear to you?" She continued and breathed heavily.

Peter's face softened and he grinned at her. He hugged her tightly taking Em by surprise but she relaxed and quickly wrapped her arms around him.

"I don't want to be weak anymore." She whispered.

Weak? Is she kidding?

"You are the strongest girl I know." He pulled back and kissed her forehead.

"Take care. Stay safe. And don't you dare die, you hear me?" He said grinning at her.

She chuckled softly. "I won't. I promise."

With one last goodbye, they parted ways. Jack stood there for a while, looking at the empty place which Beth had occupied earlier. Nothing made sense to him anymore. This girl had made everything a complicated mess.

Elizabeth Matthews or should I say Em, you are most certainly an enigma and I'll be the one to unveil you. That's a promise!

What he didn't know was that someone else made the exact same promise that night.

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