Chapter 12: Blood on the Trading Floor-Part 1

Start from the beginning

Soon, Olivia left Marie alone while cackling and Marie then got some napkins and she started to wipe up the mess when she saw her partner's shoes in front of her. She then looked up and she saw Jones smiling at her and he said, "I know Detective Rosa can be a bit of a pain, but that's just the way she is."

"Well, she didn't have to make a big mess for me to clean up," Marie said while standing and Jones thought, I guess it's no use crying over spilt milk. (AN: LOL😂)

Jones then stopped her from trying to clean it up and he told her that someone else will take care of it. He then told her that the chief is expecting them and as soon as she heard the chief's name, the two officers headed towards his office. Once they got there, Marie was greeted by King with a big smile and he congratulated her on her promotion and welcomed her to the Financial Center. He then said to her, "I sure you're going to enjoy this district with its great parks, flash casinos, high end bars and its billion dollar trading business." And Marie thanked him for his confidence.

Jones then put on a smug smile and said, "Didn't anybody tell them that the economy is in a massive crisis?"

King then dropped the smile and looked down and he said that maybe someone did and that there's been a murder at the Stock Exchange Center and from what he's heard it's pretty barbaric. He then peeked up and said to Marie, "Marie, show this district what you're made of by catching this killer!" And Marie saluted him telling him she was on it.

As soon as they left the station, Jones and Marie were on their way to the trading floor when Jones took a deep breath and said, "Here we go partner! A new district with a new case! Let's do what we always do!"

"I've been excited for a few days Jones! Like I said when I got here, I can't wait to get out there and work," Marie said with confidence and Jones smiled and thought, always show that spirit Marie it'll always help you.

Soon, they arrived at the Stock Exchange center and they were greeted by one of the stock brokers who works there and he lead them to the trading floor. When they got there, they saw their victim hanging up on the monitors and his stomach was gutted open. With one look at the dead man, Marie thought back to the butcher case and how gruesome it was back then. As soon as Marie suggested they start looking, she looked to see Jones puking in a wastebasket and she rolled her eyes and thought, what an idiot.

Once a few officers arrived, placed the body in a bag and took it back to the station, Marie found a wallet on the ground and she began thinking that it might've belonged to their victim. As soon as Jones was doing throwing up, he wiped his mouth with some tissues and was by soon by Marie's side and he said, "I guess it's not only the economy that's been gutted. While you were looking around, I talked with one of the people who worked here and it turns out our victim's name is Samuel Rye and he worked here as a stock trader. They showed me the records and it showed he swiped his ID badge to get in, which means he came here willingly."

"What do you say we have a look through our victim's wallet? Maybe we'll get lucky and find a lead," Marie suggested and Jones highly agreed.

Soon, Marie dumped out the wallet's contents and she began to dig through them until she pulled out a poker chip. She looked closely at it and she saw it belonged to a place called Greene Casino and she began thinking that since it was in their victim's wallet he must've been out gambling last night. Marie then suggested that they check out the casino and Jones nodded and said, "I agree, we should go talk to the casino manager if they saw our victim gambling last night. I think her name was Brooke Chase."

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