Nicky came running down stairs with the CD in hand.

I ran to the living room and put it in blasting it.

We decided on making the cake chocolate. But half way through somehow steph and Ashley slipped and brought the flour with them and it flew all over the place.

Let's say we had a huge mess to clean up.

-1 week later-

Harry has been very sneaky lately. He would whisper to the boys and once I'd enter the room he'd shut up.

I'd try to get something out of him but he wouldn't say anything.

I gave up on trying but we were suppose to be home two days ago but Harry wont even budge. It's honestly kinda making me worried Harry was never really good at keeping secrets for long or lying to people.

But I'm pretty sure he's hiding something big from me. And it's making me go crazy!

My mom is probably freaking out. Scratch that she IS freaking out.

"Hello Niall you know you're my favorite right?" Nicky went up to him.

"I'm not going to tell you what we are planning, and of course I'm your favorite I'm your boyfriend" he scoffed.

We all huffed as Niall smirked.

Nothing works! Ugh.

We heard a door open and we all snapped our heads towards it.

There standing were Louis and Harry.

As my eyes land on Harry they instantly widen as everyone gasps.

"Harold Edwards styles you did not!" I screamed at him.

"I'm sorry I wanted to I was tired!" He exclaimed. Everyone else was gaping still.

"YOU Had not RIGHT!" I was literally about to burst into tears.

"I did! It was mine!" He argues back.

I went up to him and resisted the urge to slap him.

"BUT it was YOUR hair Harry! I LIKED YOUR CURLS!" I whined.

"Babe it's hair!" He throws his hands in the air.

"But what am I gonna mess with now?! I liked braiding your hair!" I stomp.

"Yeah! And what is she gonna hold on to when you guys are having se-" but Louis was cut off with a loud pitch scream.

We all snapped our heads towards the sound that came out of Sarah's mouth.

She ran towards Harry and he picked her up. We could all see the horror in her eyes.

"Where's the hair!" She squeals.

Harry groaned as we all just laughed at him.

"It's gone love. I donated it to help other kids. Someone else will now have the privilege to have my hair now. Plus mine will grow out" Harry speaks and I feel myself about to cry at his words.

"Aww harreh" Liam coo's.

Harry sends a playful glare towards him.

"So it'll grow back?" Sarah asks.

"Of course it will babe" Harry nods.

"That's actually really sweat of you Harry," I smile towards him. "You cut your hair that you took years to grow out and now a little kid will be having it as there own how sweet"

"Thanks babe" he kisses my cheek.

"How about we go out to dinner?" Ashley suggests.

"Yeah" we all nod in agreement.

Bullied by Harry StylesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora