Chapter 11: Into the Vipers' Nest-Part 2

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After they were done talking with Ash, Jones and Marie headed out to speak with Troy Cassidy. As he was driving, Jones thought, that Ash can be quite arrogant as well and he went through all that trouble to save Marie and me when Salvador scrubbed us down. Soon, they found Troy where they left him and Jones approached him taking out a pair of handcuffs and he told the gangster he was under arrest for breaking into Salvador's garage.

Shocked at that announcement, Troy said, "What?! You can't arrest me just because I was at Salvador's garage! So yeah, I was there for a bit but that's all!"

Marie then showed him the map they found that showed the gang's colors and when Troy looked at it, he said that he managed to talk to Salvador out of a the gang war in exchange for a bit of him land. But Salvador just kept on asking for more and more. Jones then went cross and he said, "You know what Troy? It actually sounds like you had a whole lot to gain from his death and it doesn't help that it seems your meeting ended with a fight!"

"Okay, yeah. I kind of lost my temper with Salvador but I didn't kill him! I'm always on the edge these days cause I'm trying to quit smoking; it's not good for my asthma. So I chew gum instead, but it doesn't beat nicotine," Troy told them while taking out a stick of gum and popping it in his mouth.

Once they were done talking with Troy, Jones and Marie headed towards the sewers and Jones began cracking up. Curious Marie asked what was so funny and he said, "That guy is a gullible idiot! Chews gum and has asthma? You just realized that Troy delivered us all that information on a silver platter!"

After they got to the sewers, Marie put on a pair of boots while Jones donned on a wet suit. Once they were underneath the city, Jones sighed in frustration and he thought, I'm going to have this image in my dreams tonight. Soon, Jones dived in the water and started swimming around looking for clues while Marie stood on the platform watching. Marie then called, "Anything I can do?"

Jones then poked his head up and he said, "You just do what you always do when we find evidence Marie. Right now, just leave the finding to me." And he went back to swimming around looking for clues.

While Jones was swimming, Marie looked around and saw two things that caught her eye. One was a discarded shoe and the other was a bottle of hand sanitizer covered in blood. She then called to her partner and told him to stop searching and he showed him what she found. Surprised at what she found, Jones thought, I had to swim through poo water while she stayed on dry land and found all that?! Once Jones was out of water, Jones looked over the shoe and saw it had traces of car oil on the sole.

He also saw that the bottle of hand sanitizer was covered in blood and soon, both clues were bagged and Jones was dressed again and the two of them headed back to the station to get samples from both of them. After they got back, Marie collected a sample of blood from the hand sanitizer and she then collected a soil sample from the shoe and she sent both samples to Grace to get analyzed.

After a few hours, the blood sample, the soil sample and the oil rag were done being analyzed and Grace called Jones and Marie to the forensics lab. First, Grace explained to them that the rag they found was covered in car oil; seeing as it's no surprise since it was found in a garage. But what is surprising are the small glass fragments that were found in it, which matched the glass found in Salvador's wounds; it also proved that the rag was used by the killer post-murder. Their were also traces of fibers on the rag which meant it was rubbed against clothing. Grace then told them that the killer tried to remove an oil stain from their clothes.

She then smiled at them and said, "What your killer didn't know is this type of car oil is impossible to get rid of. Which means the killer is wearing oil-stained clothes."

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