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"The power needs a being strong enough to host it. So it creates one."
"Lady, you are off your marbles."

Lilith slapped Nyx across her face. "You are lucky I need you alive! One more word like that and I'll make you pay! The power needs a host, so it creates a child inside the womb of an unmarried Nephil woman. But that's not enough. The childs DNA still isn't strong enough. But there is a man, a man trying to create stronger beings. So the power whispers, he take the child and makes her strong. Then the power hides her away, gives her a family that will protect her to the end.
Nyx, do you see now why I need you?"
"Umm... my friends having a baby. I think just at the moment, that takes priority. But this will be a very interesting conversation to continue later... hey!"
Lilith grabbed Nyx, dragging her deeper into the tunnels, towards the heart of the caves.

Alec didn't know what to do. Nyx had been taken god-knows-where, and whilst his first instinct was to attempt to save her, he was stuck playing nurse.
He was mostly worried about Maddie, he had no desire to be delivering a baby in a dark cave.
He had no desire to be delivering a baby, full stop.
Lady Mater was drifting in and out of consciousness, muttering something about being sorry.
He walked over to her, crouching down to feel her pulse. Then he saw it.
The pale white lines tracing her skin.
She was a Shadowhunter.
Thanking god, Alec whipped out his stele. At least he could do something.
Swiftly, he traced an iratze on her skin.
Lady Mater's eyes fluttered as she began to heal.
Alec hoped she had some idea about childbirth. He was in way over his head.

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