Dec's phone call

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Maddie was laying on her bed in the spare room of Rachel's house when she got the call.
It was Dec, calling to follow up on their last conversation.
"Okay, well, there really isn't much on Lady Mater, surprisingly. Because, turns out, Lady Evelyn Mater hasn't actually been around that long, at least, not publicly. About fifteen years or so? Spend the majority of those fifteen years radicalizing Downworlder's against Nephilm, particularly Valentine and the Circle. Even during the period when he was officially 'dead', you know, before he reappeared a few years ago.
Apart from that, not much. So being the great friend and extremely curious person I am, I did some more digging. My theory was, that she was someone else under a new name. It was the only way I could explain it..."
"Cut the dramatics, Dec." Said Maddie, rolling her eyes. "I don't have all day."
Dec cleared his throat. "Okay, well, suspect number one for most likely to be Lady Mater is Evelyn Stormwalker, a shadowhunter who disappeared mysteriously years ago, not long before Valentine faked his own death.
She had been a powerful voice against him in the Clave, one of his strongest enemies. See, similarities already.
She also was a big campaigner for Downworlder rights. See, more similarities.
Oh, and I compared their pictures and their faces are almost identical. See..."
"... more similarities? I got it." Maddie's voice was sceptical. "Okay, so, some very flimsy proof. Why did she disappear?"

"No one really knows, but ain't it obvious? The Circle tried to shut her up. Oh, and there was one more thing. Rumor had it, she was pregnant. But no one knows who the father was. Only problem with this is, Lady Mater had never been seen with a child. Still... it's a big mansion. And she is crazy."

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