Somewhere, somehow

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Nyx kept replaying her run in with the Shadowhunters in head. Something was bothering her. She hadn't quite realized it at the time, but blondie seemed somehow familiar. Like she'd seen him before, just a glimpse. She furrowed her brow. It was irritating, like when you recognize someone famous but you can't for the life of you remember what you saw them in.
But worse. Because a memory like this was probably was a memory from her secret past. Her life before she was four, before she was found by Rachel.
A past even she didn't know that much about, short of a few vague half-memories, like this.

Nyx shook her head.
Stop it, stop it now! You are being completely ridiculous. He's probably just got one of those faces.

Either that or you really have seen him before...

SHUT UP! He's annoying, remember? You don't like perfect people. Be glad you don't remember him.

She marched over to her bed and flopped down on her bed. Staring at the ceiling she let her mind wander, trying to think of anything else. Slowly, her eyes became heavy, and she drifted off into sleep.

She was small. A baby. A baby, looking out on the world with innocent eyes.
Faces. Lots of faces. Blurred and distorted People, some recurring, some she only saw once.
Days grew darker. She saw less and less people, less faces, less new faces. She could feel herself growing, growing up. Growing up in the dark.
And a voice, speaking a name.

For the first time in nearly a month, she woke up crying.

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