is equal to the love you take (finale)

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{November 8th 2036}
*Cici's P.O.V*

"I'm too old to be staying up this late. If you don't win, I'm gonna sleep until the next election." I said, looking up at Gabe from where I was sitting.
"God, the results are so close." He muttered, staring the the screen. Everyone around us was also staring tensely. Gabe's arms were crossed. I reached up and took his hand.
"It's in His hands. It in God's hands." I said. Mister Bill Williams, a man who I was sure was a Trump impersonator was behind Gabe by six electoral votes.
"I swear to the Lord, Alexander Hamilton, if your system gives us another Trump, I'll kill you when I get up there." I said looking up.
"We need to win one more state." Gabe said.
After graduating Harvard Law, Gabe decided he wanted to be president. So, there he went up the offices. This year he was finally able to run. The fact that he got democratic representative was a miracle.
We lived in Boston, he was on the council for years, then mayor and then governor of Massachusetts. We raised four children (and one on the way) with stories of our past.
"Gabe." Nino Alverez, Gabe's running mate said, coming behind us and shaking Gabe's shoulder. The two of us were in too much shock to look at him.
"We won Cali." I murmured incredulously, mouth open.
"We just won the election." Gabe said. It hit him. "WE WON THE ELECTION!"
The party blew up. Confetti canons were fired, fireworks went off outside. Everyone started jumping, screaming as music started to play.
Cameras were everywhere, people were congratulating him as we received a call from Williams. "Congratulations." He muttered sullenly.
Behind us came Lin, Jon and Vanessa, wrapping us in a group hug. Cries of joy were exchanged as Gabe realized how it was the time to do the right things in the world.
West hugged me, kissing my cheek and insisting that she would move into the White House with us, something that I agreed with giggling.
As Gabe went to give a speech, Lin placed a hand on my shoulder.
"You know, twenty-three years ago I met a little girl who was terrified, who didn't have a family and was living in the streets, who was nearly raped who had no promise of a better life." He muttered. "Do you know where that little girl went?"
"I think she found her family." I responded, leaning into his back. "Thank you, papi. She really found her family."
"Family?" A voice asked from behind as Jon approached. "Does that include me?"
"Duh. My favorite dad." I giggled quietly. Jon wrapped his arms around me and Lin, and that's how we stood, the three of us in a hug.
It was true. Years ago I would have never, ever imagined that my life could turn up from where it was, that I could fall in love, that I would have the most beautiful children on earth. I never imagined that I would have parents and a little brother and people who loved me. I never ever thought that I'd be where I was. It was so unreal.
But, I had a family. I have a family.
And that's the only thing that matters.

{A/N: Wow. Wowowowowowow. That's the end. Thank you guys so much for reading this. Thank you so, so, so much. I love you. xxAv}

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