Twenty Six

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*Cici's P.O.V*

I woke up to the sound of New York traffic. From the smell, I knew Vanessa was cooking, and from the sound I knew Lin was singing.
Suddenly, my alarm went off.
"Crap. Gabe. Wake up, we have class." I said, shaking my sleeping boyfriend awake.
"Who?" He murmured, still half-asleep. "When?"
"I swear to God, if were considered late-" I said, turning on my laptop and iPad. "Hey, everyone!"
"Hi, guys!" Everyone chorused back.
"Look at Gabe." Aaron smirked. I turned around and laughed. He was half hanging of the bed, half asleep.
"GABRIEL!" I screamed. He got up.
"I'm awake." Gabe yawned. "Let me go get a t-shirt on. Ce, do you still have some in your closet?"
"My pajama drawer, yeah."  I responded, getting my notebook out.
"Hi, everyone!" A happy voice said, sliding into the blank corner on my laptop.
"Hello, Mrs. Shannon!" Everyone responded. Gabe sat down next to me. "Hey, Mrs. Shannon!" He grinned.
"I'm gonna change out of this dress, give me three seconds." I said to the screen. Walking to the bathroom, I pulled on some pajama pants and a nice sweater.
"Buenos dias, hija." Vanessa and Lin said together, kissing my forehead quickly as I walked back to the room.
"Nice outfit." Gabe commented as I sat down. I rolled my eyes. "Where's my copy of Les Mis?" I asked Gabe, bending over and shuffling at my bag near my feet.
"On your desk, you mess." Tosh said, pointing at it through the screen.
Mrs. Shannon laughed. "Okay, what did we learn from last night's reading?" She asked, diving into the lesson.
After our notification came across the screen, Mrs. Shannon got up. "Ugh, I can't stand anymore." She complained. She was nine months pregnant and due anytime soon.
"Hello, students. Ready to talk about verbals?" Mister Shannon, our English teacher said. He was married to Mrs. Shannon (duh) and their classes were always back-to-back.
Since he started right after our Lit lesson he finished ten minutes early, giving us twenty minutes before our next class.
"¿Quien quiere comida?" Vanessa asked, coming into the room with some breakfast. "Don't make a mess, okay?" She said before leaving.
By two we finished classes, and I walked Gabe to the door. "Love you." I said, kissing him quickly.
"I love you too." He responded, opening the door. He looked over my shoulder towards Lin and Vanessa. "Chao, Vanessa. Chao, Señor Miranda. Bye bye, Seb."
We all waved as he left, and I closed the door behind him.
"We should take a nap." I whispered, stanching out on the couch on top of Lin and Vanessa's laps.
"Agreed." Lin yawned, scratching out. Vanessa did the same. Sebastian looked at all of us, got the idea and put his head on Vanessa's chest, yawning.
"Papa, your foot is in my face." I muttered.
"V, por favor mueves tu codo lejos de my cara." Lin said, pushing Vanessa's arm.
"Mami, papa's kicking me!" I whined. Sebastian rolled over so that he was now on top my my chest, now drooling everywhere. "Ew."
Tobillo got excited and jumped on, sitting on top of Lin. "Dios mio de la-"
"LANGUAGE!" Vanessa shouted in my ear.
"We need a bigger couch."

{A/N: Translations;
*Who wants food?
**V, move your elbow far away from my face.
***My god from the- (that sentence would have ended with a rude swear, in case you don't get it)
Love you all, don't forget to vote and comment! xxAv}

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