Thirty One

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{A/N: I love how I have the inspiration to keep this up for thirty chapters when no one even reads this. So, this chapter is also so you can really know Cici's backstory xxAv}

*Cici's P.O.V*

I was only partially aware of my surroundings when President Obama introduced me and Lin squeezed my hand to make me move and get up on the podium.
I was so nervous. My heart pounding, my throat seemed to have closed up, my stomach was doing flips, my hands were sweaty, and I was in a daze. Looking at Jon, he gave me one piece of advice with his eyes. "Smile."
So, I did.
"When Lin first asked me to write and give this speech, I say down on yahoo answers and asked "I have to write a speech to give to the president. When do I start writing?" Almost everyone said immediately. So, I decided to wait until the bus ride from New York to Washington D.C."
The room chuckled. Lin and Jon were covering their smiles. I tried not to notice the camera in the back of the room.
"Hello. I'm Cecilia Louisa Rodriguez. Some of you may recognize me, and others might be wondering "Who is this girl who wrote a speech for the president in four hours?" For those of you who are wondering that, you'll see shortly. When Lin asked me about the speech, I asked "What do I write about?" And he shrugged and responded "How do you relate to Hamilton?" I sat down for an hour and thought, how do I relate to this show?"
The room seemed like they weren't bored, and the President and First Lady were nodding, and Lin and Jon and the cast were grinning, so I continued.
"I thought, well, I'm Latina, and this is a mixed race cast, and I'm a singer and a dancer, and since this is a musical, I relate. And then, amidst all my thinking about the show, my boyfriend, who was lying on my bed mutters "Since you have absolutely no ideas, how do you relate to the person?" And, all of a sudden I needed to write down all these ideas. I came up with a list."
"One. We're both immigrants. I was born on April 28th, 1999 in Brazil, nearly on the border between Brazil and Argentina. My father was Brazilian, and my mother Argentinian. They had been traveling to Argentina for me to be born there, and then I suddenly decided I was bored of being inside my mother, and she went into labor. We lived in Argentina for three months, and then in Brazil for three months, and then my parents picked up everything and moved to New York. Alexander Hamilton moved to New York from the Bahamas, a small place called Nevis. Like Alex, we lived in Manhattan, and we were really happy until the tragedy of September 11."
The room seemed to be in edge now. I smiled to myself as I continued.
"That brings me to number two. Hamilton and I both lost our parents at young ages. Hamilton's father left him and his mother when Alex was I my ten years old, young enough to leave emotional trauma that would later bite Hamilton in the butt. His mother then died when he was twelve, and was suddenly an orphan with nothing. I, on the other hand lost both if my parents at the age of one and five months. My parents, since they had just moved, and needed a job, they worked at Windows on the World. For those of you that don't know what that is, that's the restaurant that was at the top of the North Towers. Since they were on the highest floor, they both died as soon as the plane hit."
At this point, I was starting to tear up, so someone passed me a box of tissues. I gave a watery giggle and a thanks.
"From there I was moved to a small town outside of Boston, Massachusetts to live with my aunt. Similarity number three happened a week before my second birthday. My aunt, in complete grief for the death of her brother and sister in law took her own life. As some of you may know, Alexander had moved in with his cousin for a short time before his cousin has commuted suicide. It's here, when I evaluate my few years of life that I start to get the creepy feeling that I might be Alexander Hamilton reincarnated."
The joke diffused the sadness in the room. My life story was too much for people to hear sometimes, and the joke was necessary.
"From there I moved to a home with a family who had a son my age. That's when I met Justin, and we became best friends until he moved back to Salvador. Then I moved in with Katie, and I lived with her and her infant daughter until I came to New York. In that time I went to school, made amazing friends, and became a great student. Although I was very happy with my life, I wasn't too happy myself, which led to my chronicle depression, and all that follows. But, there was a light in my darkness. " I said. "My best friend in the entire world. Gabe Garzon. I lived with him between Justin and his family and Katie and her daughter. For three months we sat in the dark and comforted each other, danced, and were just kids. I loved him more than anything, which led to our on-and-off dating relationship, famous in our middle school. His parents had been divorced for five years, and we're still fighting over custody when one day his mother dropped it and just gave him to his father like he was nothing. Gabe moved to New York half way through ninth grade and I was devastated."
Lin and Jon actually looked very sucked into my story. I don't think they had ever heard it this much in depth.
"For my quinceñera, a huge deal in the Latina community, I was given three options. A car, a big party, or a trip. I, only thinking of Gabe, asked for a trip to New York. It was all arranged. A two week stay in a hotel, where I could explore New York, see my friend and try to win a ticket to my newest obsession, Hamilton. It was great, because a friend of mine was on Broadway. Jack, was currently in Matilda as the character Nigel. I called him, and got a ticket to his show, and then dinner with the cast. It was amazing. At the end of the two weeks, I was happy, but sad because I hadn't gotten tickets to Hamilton, or was able to find Gabe."
I looked at the clock on my iPad, then realized I needed to speed this up.
"I called my town, and I found out that they were not paying for my trip back to Massachusetts, and I was stranded. I was able to get into a women's shelter, and sang on the subway to earn any money I could for a train ride home. Finally, on a day that seemed absolutely perfect, I was grabbed and shoved into a dark alleyway. I was terrified of this man, holding me against a wall, working to take my clothes off. When I had given up with kicking him, there was a loud groan, and the man fell. There was similarity four, my saving grace. Hamilton was taken in by George Washington and I was saved and taken in by Philippa Soo, and the cast of Hamilton. Number five came in a burst from God, I learned to write well and now enjoy my passion as much as Hamilton did. You should see me when I'm typing, I gotta look like some modern-day Hamilton. Today I am so happy to say that I have the best family on earth, I did actually find Gabe and am still surrounded by Alexander Hamilton even though our lives don't really meet anymore. So, now that you are all bored of hearing my voice, and how Hamilton affected my life, I'm so happy and excited and proud to introduce my family, the cast of Hamilton."

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