Twenty Seven

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{A/N: Okay, so I changed the cover. The background for it sorta reminded me of a dressing room, and the radio for music, which embodies Cici. Do you like it? ALSO, THIS JUST IN, LIN DOESNT HAVE A CAR LOOK AT HIS TWITTER xxAv}

{March 14th}
*Cici's P.O.V*

"We're going to D.C! We're going to D.C!" Lin sang, pulling open the blinds in my room.
"Ugh." I muttered as he picked me up, carrying me to the couch where Sebastian was sitting, now babbling to me, trying to give me his toy.
"No, Seb. I'm sleeping, hush." I whispered, gathering him in my arms and pulling him close like a teddy bear. He yawned.
"Oh, you made him sleep, gracias, amor." Vanessa said coming in.
"I'm sleeping!"
"Sorry, sorry." Vanessa laughed.
I shushed her again.
"Someone's grouchy. I don't think she wants to go to D.C. and meet the president of the United States and the First Lady and the First Family and walk the halls of the White House." Lin said, and I could tell he was excited from his voice
"Did you bring her suitcase to the car?" Vanessa asked softly. "Did you bring yours?"
"Yep, come on, Ceci! The bus will leave without us, and then we won't be able to go to D.C. and meet the president of the Uni-"
"Para." Vanessa said sharply.
After ten minutes of Lin and Vanessa trying to wake me up enough so that I would go to the car, he gave up and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder.
Lin and Vanessa got into the front, and I sat sleepily in the back, leaning on Seb's car seat. He slept on.
"Oak, will you get her, she's still asleep!" I vaguely heard Lin shout. Two hands grabbed me and pulled me up, my head leaving on a shoulder.
"Someone is super tired." Oak teased, strapping me into a seat.
"Someone better shut up before I kick them in the nose." I replied petulantly, pulling my pillow and blanket out of the bag by my side.
Oak chuckled and went out of the bus to help put the rest of the suitcases away.
Vanessa climbed onto the bus and over to me, kissing my forehead, then letting Seb put his arms around my neck. "Adios, amor. Stay safe, okay? I'll talk to you tonight." 
"Bye, mami. Bye, Sebby."
I fell asleep again and didn't wake up until around nine.
"Lin, she's up!" Jon shouted from the seat in front of me.
"Okay, good!" Lin shouted back, then turned to the bus driver. "We can stop at the next rest stop."
"Hello, Sleeping Beauty." Jon smiled, sliding into the seat where my legs were. I dropped them on his lap.
"Hi, dad." I smiled. I turned my head up. "HELLO, EVERYONE!"
"HI, CICI!" Everybody screamed back.
Buenas, papa!" I shouted to Lin.
"Hola, señorita."
"Hello, miss!" The voice over the intercom said. "I'm Dave, your bus driver for the next few days, it's a pleasure to meet you."
"You too, Dave!" I yelled.
"Enough screaming, I'll go deaf." Jon said, pushing me lightly. I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Hey, Cici, we've got a question." Jazzy said, turning to me from the seat across the aisle. "You know how for one of the Ham4Ham's we planned to sing the end of the Schuyler Sisters?"
I nodded.
"So, you're going to sing it with us, the Sop two part, that good?"
"Hell to the yes!"
"Yay!" Jazzy giggled
Anthony chuckled and pulled her closer with the arm he had around her waist. "You're very cute." He told her matter-of-factly.
I ruined their moment by snapping a picture that accidentally and flash.
"Hey!" Anthony laughed, holding his hand out.
"Sorry, but there are many fans who yearn for pictures of you two being adorable, and so many people love you guys together." I laughed. Since I met Jazzy, I had deemed her as older sister, and Anthony was the boyfriend who was practically my older brother. I loved them more than anything, and they give great advice, and if Jazzy and Anthony aren't relationship goals, I don't know who is.
"Can we play Heads Up?" Daveed shouted.
"YEAH!" Everyone cheered. I decided to pull it up on my iPad since everyone was in the back.
"It's the famous people pack!" I said as the countdown started.
"I KNOW!" Chris shouted. "It's that British guy that you think is really cute from that show you love."
"Do you wanna be more specific?" Lin scoffed.
"The one where they travel in time!" Thayne offered.
"There's more than one cute guy in Doctor Who!" Carleigh shot back.
"The one with the nice hair!" Andrew shouted.
"DAVID TENNANT, NEXT!" I answered, flipping the iPad down.
"Your idol!" Jon screamed.
"Meryl Streep!"
The next one had an immediate reaction. "DUN DUNDUNDUN DUN DUN DUN." Everyone sang.
"The bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman." I responded, moving onto the next one.
"Patrick Dempsey!"
We went on for a few hours, passing the iPad along. Before we knew it, Dave turned on the intercom.
"Welcome to D.C!"

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