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On December 29th, Jon and Cici went to Lin's house for Cici to receive her second present.
"Hello!" Jon called, walking in. "Anyone home?"
"Yep! Come here!" Vanessa shouted. "Living room."
Sebastian gave a screech, clearly he was happy.
"Hey, Sebby!" Cici said, grabbing the baby and bouncing him on her lap. "Baby Sebby, the prince of the world! Little Sebby, King of the world!"
"His name is Sebastian." Lin sighed.
"Okay, but anyway, so I'm worried because my first gifts were already crazy extravagant and expensive, what the heck is my second gift?" Cici asked, laughing nervously.
"Well, Ceci, we all have a very important proposition, and if you accept, that would be your Christmas gift." Lin said, sitting down beside his wife and Jon.
"How would you like it if we adopted you?" Lin, Vanessa and Jon said together.
"Oh my god." Cici said. "Yes!"
Sebastian, excited by all the noise, decided to give a scream, although he had no idea what was going on, he was very happy.
"We can split custody, and it'll all work out, I'm sure. We have an extra bedroom, you can take that, put up your new posters, paint it, decorate it, it'll be your room." Vanessa grinned, clapping her hands.
"And, I'm moving. It's up a few floors, but there's two and a half bathrooms, and two bedrooms, you can have one if you'd like." Jon joked.
"Um, yes please!" Cici laughed, hugging everyone. "You guys are the most amazing ever. Thank you."
"Even more, you know how we were talking about getting you to school to finish up junior and senior year?" Lin asked.
"Well, we've registered you with an online school. It's a class of seven, five hour days, six classes of forty minutes with ten minutes between each of them so that you can eat, or go to the bathroom or chill with your new friends-" Jon explained.
"Don't say 'chill,' Jon." Cici interrupted.
Jon made a face at her as Vanessa picked up the conversation.
"And, you're at home so you can eat whenever, wear pajama bottoms, and whatever." Vanessa said, explaining it further. "You're starting after their break. February 3rd. They get really long breaks how great is that."
Cecilia covered her mouth and let out a sob.
"Oh, no!" The adults exclaimed, jumping up to hug Cici. "Don't cry."
"You're all so nice to me, and all I ever did was almost get kidnapped, it's not fair! Out of all the people in the world, I find you amazing people." Cici cried.
"Hey, I gotta admit, I found pretty good orphan to take in." Lin grinned.
"I think Pippa found me." Cici laughed tearfully.
"Shut up."
"Hey, lets go get ice cream."

{A/N: Sorry, short chapter. Love! xxAv}

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