Twenty Three

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*February 28th*
{Ceci's P.O.V*}

I woke up early on Sunday to find a church dress that I could also use for the audition and to go out with my friends for lunch.
I decided on a navy blue dress that had flowers at the bottom, a bright blue cardigan, a green cross body bag, black tights, black combat boots, and some jewelry.
"Mami, papi, I'll be back around two, okay? I'm going to mass now, then I'm going out with my friends and then to lunch. Love you!" I said to Lin and Vanessa, kissing them each in the cheek.
"!Te vemos!" Vanessa called after me.
Quedate segura!!" Lin added.
I left the house and ran towards church, dodging traffic on either side. I ran to the choir loft, the choir director looking at me.
"I was worried our cantor wasn't going to be here." She smiled as I stood at the microphone.
"Good morning, and welcome to mass." I started. I looked around at the church and was pleasantly surprised to see Gabe, Aaron, Kenny, Noah, Tosh, Anaba, and Calayo smiling at me from the pews.
At the end of the hour I ran to them, grinning.
"Let's go rock your audition!" Calayo laughed, linking arms between all eight of us.
"You all look so sharp!" I giggled, straightening the boy's ties and fluffing out the girl's dresses.
"And you look gorgeous." Gabe responded, kissing me.
"Thank you. So do you. Handsome beyond compare. I like you in a tie." I flirted, tugging at the red material around his neck.
"Maybe I'll wear one more often." He responded, the smug look on his face making my heart flutter. "Do you really love it?"
"Okay, you two, enough. Get a room." Anaba said, pushing us out the door and into Kenny's car. "Kenny and Noah in two front, you two back here and the rest of us will go in Aaron's car.
We drove to the building in which the company was holding the auditions. There were many people, all chatting in rapid Spanish. Most were twenty-something's, but there was a group of older women to play Abuela Claudia, and a few others for other roles.
"Break a leg!" Tosh whispered as they walked us in, turning to go wait for us somewhere else.
Suddenly, I started to hyperventilate. This was a stupid idea, I couldn't do this, and-
"Respira. Profunda, amor. Adentro, afuera. Adentro, afuera." Gabe whispered. It was comforting. I leaned into him as he rapped his arms around me, still murmuring.
"Gabriel Garzon and Cecilia Rodriguez?" A woman called. We stood up and walked over, smiling.
"Hello!" She said as we started.
Thirty minutes later we walked out into the sun, even though it was freezing out.
"How did it go?" Noah asked, clearly excited.
"Fantastic." Gabe grinned.
We went to lunch at a Cuban restaurant in Harlem, far, far away but it was my favorite so we went anyway.
"Hola, chicos!" Alma, the hostess laughed as we walked in, kissing all of our cheeks. We sat and ate a ton, and pulled all our money together, and even when we were thirty dollars short, Ricardo and Mariela, the owners waved it off.
"Por la casa."
We drove home, not bothered by the traffic, and when I arrived back at home, I couldn't have been happier.
"How was it?" Vanessa asked, putting away some plates.
"Lots of fun. I brought back leftovers. We went to Floridita-"
"The restaurant in Harlem?" Lin asked, playing with Sebby.
"Yep. It was so good, and we wasted so much money too, but it was so worth it." I laughed, sitting in the floor next to Lin and Sebby.
Vanessa sighed and sat next to us again, braiding my hair. "No money left over?" She asked.
"Sorry, no."
Tobillo walked over and sat in front of me, her head in my lap. "Hola, Tobi!" I laughed, petting her. Seb rolled over and grabbed her ear, murmuring "Tobi, Tobi, Tobi."
"This is an amazing picture no one move, and no one look at me." Lin said, standing up and pulling out his phone to take a picture.
Vanessa continued to focus on my braid, and I kept looking down at Sebby and Tobi, laughing as Seb hugged her and Tobi licked his face.
Que foto lindo! Lin cooed, showing us the picture. Vanessa was kneeling high on her knees, face full of focus and joy, her hands weaving my hair.
Sebastian was lying on his side, his head in my lap, his arms and legs wrapped around Tobi, her tongue swiping across Sebby's giggling face.
Vanessa laughed. "Send that to me."
"Me too." We sat down, and Lin turned on the TV ("CHUGGINGTON!")
I pulled out my phone and posted the picture up on Twitter and Instagram with the caption "I couldn't do anything without these four."
I leaned into Lin, who put his arm around my shoulder and kissed my forehead. "Te amo, amorcita." He said, reaching for Vanessa's hand and squeezing it.
"Te amo tambien, papi y mi mami."

{A/N: Wow I really laid on the Spanish
*We'll see you!
*Stay safe!
*Breathe. Deep, love. In, out. In, out.
*Hey, kids!
*It's on the house.
*What a beautiful picture!
*I love you, little love.
*I love you too, dad, and my mom.}

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