Fourty Eight

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*Cici's P.O.V*
{May 5th}

"I MET JJ ABRAMS YESTERDAY. DON'T TALK TO ME. DON'T TOUCH ME. DON'T EXIST NEAR ME!" I shouted as I connected to my class. 
"I'm so jealous." Aaron frowned, turning around to look at his Star Wars posters across the walls.
"I don't like Star Wars, but I love Star Trek. And JJ is the Star Trek reboot. He's met Zach Quinto. And Chris Pine. And Anton Yelchin." Anaba said.
"I met Zach Quinto." I reminded them.
Everyone groaned. Jon had taken me to go meet his ex-boyfriend after I expressed my love (obsession) with him. It was really fun.
"Okay, and I met the queen of England, let's get started on history, please." Ms. Curtis said, popping up on the screen. "We have an announcement at the end of classes today, so don't leave after your last teacher logs off."
We went through the day, enjoying each class and our break time with each other, discussing everything that we had to. This was my squad.
"What are you guys doing later?" Tosh asked.
"Ceci and I are going to see Matilda with West. It's our friend's last show as Nigel." Gabe said, flipping through a book by his side.
"Poop." Noah sighed. "I wanna see Matilda."
"Me too!" Kenny added.
"I don't like musicals." Calayo shrugged. I jokingly glared at her. Suddenly, all of our teacher's faces popped up, including Mister and Mrs. Shannon, who just had their twins.
"Hello!" We all chorused, grinning at our teachers. They all said hi back.
"Ladies and gentlemen, as you are aware, next year you will all be seniors-"
"WHAT WHAT!" Calayo cheered. We all laughed
"And will need to finish your education. Sadly, we will be shutting down." Mister Shannon said. Our laughter died suddenly.
"I'm not going to public school!"
"You guys be been my teachers for three years!"
"I don't wanna leave my house in the morning!"
"Shut up, will you?" Ms. Curtis said. "We're shutting down, but there is a school that is willing to sacrifice their empty classroom for us, and will accept the eight of you into the school."
We all sat in silence, dumbfounded.
"It's a full school day, and you guys will have us every other week, like you do now. On the weeks you DON'T we us, you will attend regular classes with the other seniors." Miss Cummings explained.
"There's a uniform." Ms. Curtis said.
We all groaned. They went twin to explain more, and that our parents knew this already. By the time we could leave, and the students finished talking to each other, Gabe and I had to get dressed to meet at the theater. I got there and waved at West.
"Hi, queen!" I said, wrapping her in a hug. She wrapped her arms around my arms as we walked into the theater, showing our tickets.
"I'm really excited." She said, sitting down. I nodded.
"Where's Gabe?" She asked, looking at the empty seat next to me.
"He's almost here. He said he missed his train, but he's almost here now." I explained. "Oh, look, there he is!" I pointed at the aisle as he ran down it.
"They almost didn't let me in." He whispered as the lights went down.
And so the show started. We cheered obnoxiously when Jack, our friend came on stage, people around us giving us dirty looks.
At the end of the show we got to go backstage and meet the cast. We celebrated and enjoyed the night together.
"I'm gonna be on Broadway, just so I can get parties like this." West said, looking up at the ceiling.
"What happened to being a doctor?" I asked. "You can still throw awesome parties that I'll come to."
"Oh yeah." West grinned lopsidedly. "I forgot."
I slung my arm around her shoulders. "Good thing you have me here to remind you, then."
"Great thing, my queen." She laughed, putting her head on my shoulder. We looked across the room at everyone dancing and celebrating and grinned. There was no place I'd rather be.

{A/N: Guess who got sick the day before closing night of Carmen? If your answer was the author of this crappy book, you are right! Thanks for reading, loves. xxAv}

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