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"Ceci! Come here! Everyone wants to meet you, you're coming with me.We'll go to the shelter you were staying at after to pick up the rest of your belongings." Lin said, looking into the guestroom.
"But, I'm playing with the baby." She said, gesturing to Lin's son, Sebastian.
"What- How did you get him?" Lin asked, picking his son up.
"He crawled in here, and Vanessa was in the bathroom, and I didn't want to disturb her, so I started playing with him because I wasn't sure if I was allowed to pick him up." Cici explained, standing up and pulling her heels on. "And, anyway, I haven't got many belongings."
"Do you know how to hold babies?" Lin asked.
"Yes. I was a babysitter before I came here." Cici said, following Lin to his car.
"Then, yes, you can hold him. Just don't kill my only son, please." Lin said jokingly.
If you had been an outsider listening in on their conversation, you would have assumed that the two had known each other for a long time, even if it had only been twelve hours.
Arriving at the Richard Rodgers, Lin lead the way to a loud buzzing noise, which ended up being the entire cast talking to each other.
"Okay, everyone, listen up! This is Cecilia, she's gonna tell us all about herself. I actually don't know that much about her. And then, we'll all tell her our names, even if she already knows them." Lin grinned. "Ceci, the floor is yours."
"Okay. Hi! I'm Cecilia Louisa Rodriguez, I'm sixteen, I'll be seventeen on April 28th. Um, I'm an orphan, I came here from Massachusetts, and then got stuck here, and now I'm in limbo. But, hey, God does it all for a reason, and clearly His reason for me was to meet the cast of Hamilton." Cici laughed. "I'm a huge fangirl, constantly obsessing over everything, particularly books, tv shows and British accents."
The cast laughed.
"What else... My favorite color is pink, my favorite foods are sushi, and soup and ice cream and chocolate. That's about it." Cici concluded.
"Hola, hija. I'm Javier Muñoz, but call me Javi. I'm the second Hamilton, and the best one-"
"Hey!" Lin laughed.
"It's gonna be great to get to know you." Javi finished.
"So, I'm Leslie, and yes I know it's a girl's name-"
"It's totally not." Cici said.
"Well, then." Leslie grinned. "And, I am very, very pleased to meet you."
"Me too!" Cici giggled, shaking Leslie's hand.
"I'm Chris, the general. I cannot wait to get to know you"
"Renée. I think you will find that I am a fantastic person, and I think that I will find that you are a fantastic person."
Cici giggled. "Who's next to greet this queen?"
"I will! I'm Jasmine. But, please, m'lady, call me Jazzy."
"Daveed Diggs, dear child. I can rap nine words per second, which has broken a Broadway record. Just thought you might like to know."
"I'm Anthony! I get to die twice, isn't that just the highlight of my career?"
"Ready? This is a hard name. Oakieriete Onaodowan. But, since that's impossible, you can call me Oak."
"And that is almost everyone! We have members in the ensemble, but I told them they didn't have to come in, and that they could meet you during a show.
After a while, Lin and Cici left, walking towards the woman's shelter. They walked inside.
"Cecilia! You've come back! We were worried." A women at the desk said. "What's up?"
"Hey, Kym! I'm so sorry, I met an angel, and I'm staying with this wonderful man right here." Cici smiled, squeezing Lin's arm. "I'm just here to clear my room."
"Well, sir, is like to thank you." Kym said, standing up and shaking Lin's hand. "It's so good to know that Cici's got someone-"
"Well, it's not permanent-" Lin started to say, but Kym kept talking.
"She's been here for two months, lonely, worried, crying..."
Kym kept going on, and Lin started to think as Cici came back with a single suitcase filled with clothes. Lin wanted to help Cici, he wanted o make sure she was safe.

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