Twenty Nine

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*Jon's P.O.V*

"Groffsause, I got this letter yesterday, since Ceci's distracted now look at it." Lin whispered, handing me a piece of crisp paper.
Mister and Mrs. Lin Manuel Miranda,
You have received this letter as you are listed as the main caregivers for Cecilia Louisa Rodriguez, along with Mister Jonathan Groff, who is co-parent. There has been a stop in the adoption process for Miss Rodriguez because a living relative has issued claim on Miss Rodriguez. Her paternal aunt, Mrs. Daniella Fiore has informed the offices that she is willing to take in her niece, and as she is immediate family, she has immediate claim. Unless a peaceful agreement is reached between the two parties this will be taken to court for a custody case.
Richard B. Harrington {A/N: I made up a name.}
I finished the letter and looked up at Lin, my eyes wide. "Does Cici know?" Was the first thing that came out of my mouth.
"No. We got the letter last night, she was asleep, and she's gonna be so mad when she finds out. I can hear the arguments already." Lin said.
"Y'all good?" Cici asked, turning towards us. Lin quickly hid the letter in his coat pocket.
"Yep. Just looking at some papers for your adoption. Terms and conditions." Lin lied. Cici somewhat beloved it, but I knew she could also see through it.
"Hey, Ce, for you write your speech for the president?" Lin asked.
Cici sighed. "Yeah." And that was the end.
We all got off the bus, everyone was laughing and talking. Cici handed me her phone.
"Take a picture of me in front of the White House." She grinned, posing. Her smile was so bright, she had no idea what battle we were about to enter.
"Okay, everyone together now, let me take a picture." Dave the bus driver said, taking her phone as we all posed in front of a building.
We walked all over the city, taking pictures with landmarks, fans, and with each other. It was a nice day, and when we got back to the bus, everyone was exhausted from all the walking.
"Should I just take you all to the hotel? You all look like you've died." Dave laughed.
We all nodded. It was about an hour drive from where we were, and it was getting late (well, it was seven but it's been a long day.)
"Come here, honey." I said to Cici. She smiled sleepily and say next to me, her head leaving on my shoulder as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders.
Taking one of her earbuds out, I put it in my ear and started singing along with myself in the recording. I recently got Cici into Spring Awakening.
"Cici, honey, it's time to wake up!" I said, slightly shaking her when we arrived at the hotel. She groaned and turned her head to face away from me. She opened her eyes and slowly stood up, her eyes still half closed.
Lin got up to the front of the bus to read who was rooming with who and in what room. Lin and I would be sharing a room (like our magical hideaway in Manhattan).
"Do I get my own room?" Cici asked sleepily, clearly not have been paying attention to what Lin said.
"No, baby. You're with me and Anthony." Jazzy said, coming behind us. She slipped her arm around Cici's waist. "Come on, walk and lean on me. I know you're sleepy but we're almost inside."
We all got into the lobby, the people overwhelmed by the group of loud, still singing people who just walked in. They worked to get us upstairs as quickly as humanly possible.
"Buenas noches, amotcita. Te amo." Lin said to Cici, kissing her forehead. "Te veo mañana."
"Good night, honey. Sleep well, okay? Big day tomorrow. Sweet dreams." I said, kissing her forehead.
"Buenas noches." She called sleepily to both of us, going the opposite direction with Jazzy and Anthony.
"What are we going to do about that letter?" I asked Lin as soon as we shut the door to the room. "Can we call Vanessa? She's seen it, right?"
"Yeah, let's FaceTime her." Lin said, pulling his laptop out. Vanessa soon answered, her face coming up on the screen. She was in her pajamas, everything was dark around her. There was a pen in her hand, and a pile of books by her side. I could vaguely hear Sebastian snoring in the back.
"Hola, you two. How was the trip?" Vanessa asked, smiling.
"Really nice. We went sightseeing too, but Jon suggested we talk about the letter." Lin said, waving the offending piece of paper in front of the camera.
Vanessa sighed and rubbed her temples. "That's actually what I've been researching. How we can get out of this without going to court."
"We have to tell Cici eventually. She'll kill us when she finds out." I said. "Guys, we cannot lose her. She said this is the first time she feels properly loved. We can't let anyone take her."
"Agreed." Lin and Vanessa said together. We stayed up for an hour talking about options, and worst of cases, if we had to go to court with the case.
"Get some sleep. You guys have a really great day coming tomorrow." Vanessa smiled, blowing a kiss to the camera of her laptop. "Tell Ceci I said goodnight, and that I love her."
We hung up and got ready to sleep. A great day was coming up.

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