Thirty Five

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{A/N: For the last friggin time, I did not copy Abi's Adopted by Hamilton. All comments and DMs that say so will be deleted. Our characters and stories are very different beside the fact that our characters are adopted and I don't want to hear it again. xxAv}

*Cici's P.O.V*

"I love this show." Lea sighed happily as the curtains closed for intermission. I nodded my agreement as she turned towards me.
"You know Cici. you're actually a lot of fun. It's been great to get to know you." Lea grinned, grabbing my hand and squeezing it.
"Thanks Aunt Lea." I laughed, putting my head on her shoulder. We sat like that until it ended, grinning at Jon when he came back out for I Know Him.
"Look, my favorites are best friends." Jon grinned, putting his arms around us as we walked down the city street. We passed a CVS.
"Can we get some Starbursts?" I asked pointing to the building. Jon gave me ten dollars, and I came out with two giant bags. We arrived home and poured all of them in a bowl and sat down to watch TV. We decided on Looking, dad's show, giggling at everything since it was late and we were so high on sugar.
At three we went to bed, all of us falling asleep in Jon's bed.
"Wake up we have to do the Digital Ham4Ham." Jon said, shaking our shoulders. "Eat your makeup and I'll make some coffee. When I come back I'll have a camera."
"Did he just say eat your makeup?" I asked Lea, turning to face her. She shrugged.
"I don't know it's too early." She whined, covering her face with a pillow. "I don't care about makeup anymore just we went to bed late and it's probably still somewhat intact."
"Agreed." I yawned, but cringed when they cracked. Licking my lips I realized that they had cracked and bled. "Pass me that lip balm on the side table."
"Can I use some? My lips are bleeding." Lea asked. I nodded as she opened it.
"Good morning, good morning!" Jon sang.
"Oh my god. Are you serious?" I groaned, hiding under the blankets. Lea copied.
"Please tell me your not filming us." She said.
"No, I'm not filming you, I'm filming me." Jon said, laughing. He came to the bed and gave us our coffees as we uncovered ourselves.
"Oh yeah. This is morning realness." Lea said, fluffing her hair.
"Gorgeous. This is great. I don't wanna do this." I moaned, sipping my coffee as Jon and Lea laughed about our morning appearances and the coffee made by his own two hands.
"What song would I sing?" I asked after Lea responded Wait For It. "Probably like You'll Be Back. No that's a lie. Hurricane? Could I sing Schuyler Sisters by myself? Oh, I Know Him. I'm great at that."
"You're a mess." Lea muttered. Jon snorted as I started laughing and almost spilled my coffee everywhere. "She's spilling her coffee you mess."
"Okay, second question. What was the last thing you ate?" Jon asked. Lea and I started laughing again as we looked at the Starburst wrappers everywhere.
"Well, we had like nine hundred Starbursts last night." Lea said. We all burst into laughter, adding to the Starburst conversation.
"Last question." Jon said, laughing in anticipation. "What is your favorite part of the human face?"
"WHAT?!" Lea and I said together, laughing. "We just woke up what are these questions?"
"Just answer."
"People would care so much more if we just made out." Lea said. I roared out in laughter as they looked at each other, and I could see the Spring Awakening flashbacks in their eyes.
"Um, mine are eyes? I guess? Pretty eyes to look at?" I said, shrugging. Jon and Lea shrugged, giggling.
"Lips, I guess?" Lea answered. Jon quirked his eyebrows as he looked at her. "No, stop." Lea laughed, shoving him lightly.
"This has been your Ham4Ham." Jon said.
Lea blew kisses.
"Good luck with the lotto!" I called and Jon turned off the camera before we all started laughing hysterically again. These small moments were my favorites, the ones where we could just enjoy each other like a real family.
"Did you know that my daughter has never actually watched Glee?" Jon asked Lea, pointing at me.
She gasped dramatically. "No way! Oh my god, Jon, turn it on. Now! We have to watch everything. Every single episode before I leave tomorrow quick."
He flicked on the tv, and we all sat together, laughing. It was a perfect moment.

{A/N: Ham4Ham in the media center. xxAv}

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