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*Gabe's P.O.V*

Waking up early, I shot a glance at my father's bedroom. It was empty. I'm pathetic to have thought that he would stay long. He's a drunk, and obsessed with the twenty year old-
"Stop." I told myself. These thoughts were consuming, eating at me. Javier Muñoz had a policy that we had to follow when we were around him. 'Keep the bad thoughts away. It's a positive environment.'
I picked the one suit I had out of my closet. I bought it for the day I went to church with Ceci, and used it always.
"It's an all purpose suit." Ceci said once. "Funerals, baptisms, church, auditions, weddings, court. Everything."
Walking out of the apartment I had my In the Heights script in my face all the way down the subway to the Miranda's house.
"You abandoned me last night." The voice over the intercom said before the door buzzed to let me into the apartment. I lighted and walked up the stairs, grinning at Ceci's scowl.
"I didn't abandon you. You were fast asleep, and I was trying to spend time with my father, which didn't work out at all." I said, the smile fading.
"The saints will reward you." She said. I laughed.
"Seriously. God does-"
"Everything for a reason." We said together. Ceci laughed, swatting me in the chest. "I need to get my rosary beads, but then we can go. Mami and Papi and Dad are waiting for us in the car. Sebastian and Abuelo and Abuela are coming too."
"Quite the party." I laughed, pulling the door closed behind us as Ceci held her rosary close.
"Shut up." She said as we ran down the stairs. "I'm gonna win!"
There was a mini van waiting on the street, a change from the usual car. Señor Miranda and Señora Miranda were in the front, Lin, Vanessa and Sebastian in the middle, and Jon was in the back waiting for us.
"Ceci, you get the middle, your butt's the smallest." I said.
"How do you know?" She asked.
"I will kill you if you've seen my daughter's butt." Lin said. We all laughed.
"Hija, you dropped your rosary." Vanessa said, handing the beads back to us.
"What's the story with this rosary?" Lin asked, looking at it.
"I used to have this really gross plastic one, and the priest at my church was going to the Vatican to see Pope Francis, so I asked him to bring my rosary to be blessed. He did, but Pope Francis ended up giving my priest this rosary, the beads are rose leaves and the chain and the cross are silver. He blessed it and I got it back and I've had it since. I carry it everywhere. Everywhere." Ceci said, kissing the cross and putting it in her purse.
We arrived at the courthouse, and everyone except for Ceci, Lin, Vanessa and Jon went to the back to sit.
Across from us were three people, a black man, a young girl and a little boy. They surveyed us before turning towards the front again.
"Those are her cousins and her uncle." I whispered to Señor Miranda.
"The court will come to order. You have all gathered here to hear the outcome of yesterday's case. After careful consideration of financial status, emotional support, and a stable environment, I have decided that Miss Cecilia Rodriguez will be placed into the custody of her aunt and her family."
It took a minute for the words to hit us.
Vanessa seemed to crumble, only held up by Lin's arms. His face was devoid of the usual light it had. Jon muttered a curse before pulling Ceci into his side.
My love.
She had no emotion in her face, but I could see the absolute fear.
Her aunt stepped forward. Everyone tightened around Ceci.
They were taking her away. They're taking her. She's going away.

{A/N: I'm so sorry that it took so long to update you guys. Don't kill me. xxAv}

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