Twenty Two

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{February 20th}
*Cici's P.O.V*

"Lin, Lin, I just had an idea for a Ham4Ham." Jon said, myself, Renée and Jazzy running after him.
"What?" Lin asked, turning around to look at the four of us, who were still laughing after we planned out our idea in Jon's dressing room.
"Okay, so we do the cabinet battle, but Renée is Jefferson, and Jazzy is Washington, and this little person here is Hamilton." Jon said, putting his hand on top of my head.
"I'm not that short."
"You're minuscule." Renée snorted.
"Come on, it would be really fun. It might be funny, I get to yell at Renée, and we can hear Jazzy pretend that she's in charge-"
"Hey, I'm the reason Hamilton isn't president, if I'm not in charge, I don't have an idea who is."
Lin thought for a minute then nodded. "Yeah, let me just go grab my camera." He laughed.
"Yes!" The four of us cheered.
Jazzy, Renée and I pulled our hair up and pulled on the coats from the costumes of Jefferson, Hamilton and Washington. The costume ladies lectured us about what would happen if we damaged them, and Daveed, Oak, Jon and Chris thought it would be fun to watch us.
"Hello, hello, hello! Today's Ham4Ham is super fun, welcome the ladies of Hamilton as the Cabinet." Lin grinned before disappearing behind the camera agin.
"Ladies and gentlemen, you could have been anywhere in the world tonight, but you're here with us in New York City, are you ready for a cabinet meeting?" Jazzy rapped into the microphone. We invited Pippa to sit beside us and beatbox, wearing James Madison's coat. (It was huge on her, but it was funny).
"The issue on the table, secretary Hamilton's plan to assume state debt and establish a national bank. Secretary Jefferson, you gave the floor, sir." Jazzy finished.
"Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, we offer these ideas, we shouldn't settle for less, these are wise words..." Renée rapped, dancing pompously.
Lin laughed from behind the camera, and Daveed, Oak, Chris and Jon laughed silently, shaking under the effort of trying to stay silent.
"Thomas, that was a real nice declaration, welcome to the present were running a real nation, would you like to join us or stay mellow doing whatever the hell it is you do in Monticello!" I rapped now, holding the microphone close to my mouth, glaring at Renée.
By the time we ended the song ("Figure it out, Alexander, that's an order from your commander.") we were all laughing really hard.
"And that's been your Ham4Ham, clap for these crazy ladies, and-"
"GOOD LUCK WITH THE LOTTO!" I shouted, and Jon clicked the camera off.
"Hey, that's my line!" Lin laughed, taking the jackets back from us and handing them up to the costume ladies, who had also watched our show.
We all walked backstage again, still chatting, but now singing Take A Break, because we felt the need to sing the soundtrack in order.
"Cecilia, there's an open seat for tonight's show, do you want it or should I give it to the piranhas?" Tony, today's ticket master said, running behind us.
I laughed at the name we used for the usual line of people waiting for a ticket that opened up.
"Um, give it to one of them tonight, I've got something to do tonight. Thanks, Tony." 
"What are you doing tonight?" Lin asked, tugging my arm.
"Stuff. Got to go, people to see, places to go. I'll be back for the show, I'm backstage directing tonight." I said, pulling on a jacket.
"Hi." Gabe said, slipping his hand into mine.
"Hi." I responded as we walked. There was a soundproof room at the library, and although most couples didn't use it for the most innocent things (if you understand what I mean), we were practicing Champaign.
"Damn, the bottle's all sweaty and everything. You went and got this?" Gabe sang, looking down at the music.
"Pop the champagne" I sang, lifting Gabe's face up.
"I don't know if we have coffee cups. Or plastic cups. I think Sonny has the cups-"
"Tonight we're drinking straight from the bottle. Usnavi?"
"Yeah?" Gabe asked, getting into the acting.
Daniela told me what you did for me. And it's honestly the sweetest thing anyone ever did for me. Now what can I say or do to possibly repay you for your kindness?"
"How do you get this gold shit off?" Gabe sang, pretending his music was the bottle.
I burst into laughter. "I'm sorry, let's go again." I said, still laughing. Gabe grinned, chuckling lightly.
"I think we're ready for the audition." I told Gabe as he walked me back to the theater.
"I think so too." Gabe said, opening the door for me. "Go direct. Love you."
"Love you too." I said, slipping on my headset.
"Hello, hello, hello, my dear family!" I said excitedly. "It's almost one hour until places, so here are today's reminders: no show tomorrow, take the day off and relax. Also, it is 60-something days until my birthday, get me presents."
Lin shot me a glare from across the hall.
"Just kidding. That's it for now, get in your costumes."
I kicked Lin out of his dressing room for a moment so I could pull on my black jeans and a black long sleeved t-shirt, finally slipping on my black boots.
"Now you look like a genuine stage director." Jon grinned, looking me up and down. "All black and a headset, hell yeah."
"This is forty minutes till places!"

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